The Husbands in Labor

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Mark and Haechan were both pacing back and forth in the hospital waiting room, their hands tightly gripping each other's. Their beloved husband, Renjun, was in the delivery room, and they were both a bundle of nerves.

'Mark, what if something goes wrong? What if Renjun can't handle the pain? What if the baby comes out with three heads?' Haechan fretted, his eyes wide with anxiety.

'Calm down, Haechan. Everything will be fine. Renjun is strong, and he's been through this before with our first child,' Mark reminded him, trying to keep his own fears at bay.

Just then, their two friends, Jeno and Jaemin, burst into the waiting room, out of breath and looking completely frazzled.

'Guys, we were just at the cafeteria, and we saw a woman giving birth on TV, and it was so graphic and traumatizing. I don't think I can handle seeing Renjun in that much pain,' Jeno exclaimed, his face pale.

'That's not even the worst part. We saw a woman faint during the delivery, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to faint too. I can't handle it,' Jaemin chimed in, clutching his chest dramatically.

Mark and Haechan exchanged worried glances. If their friends were this terrified, how would they be able to handle the real thing?

Just then, a loud cry echoed through the hospital walls, causing the four of them to jump in surprise. Mark and Haechan's eyes widened, and Jeno and Jaemin both let out a little shriek.

'It's Renjun! He's in pain!' Haechan exclaimed, rushing towards the delivery room. Mark and their friends followed close behind, all of them holding onto each other for dear life.

As they entered the room, they were greeted with a chaotic scene. Renjun was lying on the bed, his face contorted in pain, while the doctor and nurses were bustling around him, preparing for the delivery. The sound of Renjun's pained screams filled the room, and it only made Jeno and Jaemin more agitated.

'I can't do this. I can't watch this,' Jaemin whimpered, his eyes covered with his hands.

Jeno, on the other hand, was pacing back and forth, muttering to himself, 'I don't want to see anything. I'll just wait outside. Yes, that's what I'll do.'

Meanwhile, Mark and Haechan were trying to comfort Renjun, offering him words of encouragement and holding his hand through the pain. But in the midst of all the chaos, they couldn't help but bicker with each other.

'Haechan, stop telling Renjun to breathe. It's not helping,' Mark scolded.

'I'm just trying to help,' Haechan huffed.

Suddenly, they were interrupted by the doctor's voice, 'Okay, Renjun, it's time to push.'

Renjun let out another loud cry, and Haechan and Mark held their breath, while Jeno and Jaemin peeked from behind their hands.

And then, it happened. The baby was born, and Renjun's painful screams turned into joyful sobs. Jeno and Jaemin finally mustered up the courage to come closer, and they were greeted with the sight of Renjun holding their beautiful baby in his arms.

'Congratulations, it's a girl!' the doctor announced, beaming with joy.

The room erupted into cheers and tears, and even Jeno and Jaemin were wiping their eyes.

As they all calmed down and took in the beautiful moment, Jeno suddenly slumped to the ground, fainting at the sight of the operation.

The rest of them burst into laughter, and even Renjun couldn't help but join in, despite his exhaustion.

'Looks like Jeno couldn't handle it after all,' Haechan chuckled.

'I think it's time for all of us to take a break and get some fresh air,' Mark suggested, helping Jeno up from the ground.

As they all walked out of the delivery room, a feeling of overwhelming joy washed over them. Yes, it was chaotic and full of bickering, but in the end, they were one big, happy family. And they wouldn't have it any other way.

The Husbands in Labor: A Comedy of Errors' MarkRenHyuckWhere stories live. Discover now