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Welcome to one of my ONC projects for 2024.

What fandom am I writing for?

Young Justice

What prompt am I using?

I am using prompt eighty-seven. "You come from a family of highly respected heroes. All three of your big brothers are known as powerhouses, but you rarely see them since they're always saving the city. One day you realise that the only way to see all of your brothers is to become a villain. Turns out you're better at it than you thought, and family dinners suddenly become the most amusing time of day."

How am I using the prompt?

I'm using the prompt as is, with Damian Wayne being the younger brother and the previous Robins being the older brothers. However, this wouldn't work if I left Damian's background story as is, which is him coming in with villainous tendencies at the age he becomes Robin not to mention Jason Todd is in canon more of an anti-hero, so to that end I changed up both of their backgrounds to create an alternative universe that this story is taking place in with the first few chapters setting up the alternative universe for those familiar with the fandom as well as setting up some important information for the readers whether they know the fandom or not that will become important once I start working directly with the prompt for the story.

Word Count

- Chapter 1 ~ 858
- Chapter 2 ~ 2,037 - The 2k mark is towards the end of the second chapter.
- Chapter 3 ~ 3,247
- Chapter 4 ~ 4,746
- Chapter 5 ~ 5,866
- Chapter 6 ~ 7,135
- Chapter 7 ~ 8,265 - The 8k mark is towards the end of chapter seven.
- Chapter 8 ~ 9,312

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