Year 3: Lee

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Madam Pomfrey released me from the Hospital Wing the next morning, after another full examination to make sure my arms and legs were working properly. They were, so she dismissed me on strict instructions not to go near the Quidditch Pitch for two weeks.

I hardly knew what to do with myself without Quidditch or flying to distract me. All I could focus on was the Vaults, specifically the Vault of Fear. I had a good lead now. I was almost positive it was located in the Restricted Section of the library. Rowan had mentioned once I told her about Jacob's Room and the information I'd discovered there, that there had been more Boggart sightings in the library compared to anywhere else in the castle.

It made sense. But I still had no idea how I was going to get into the Restricted Section undetected. I was trying to keep my nose clean. I'd worked and trained so hard to get on the Quidditch Team, the last thing I wanted was to be chucked off for breaking the rules. Well, getting caught breaking the rules.

'We need someone strong and fearless,' Tulip told me one night in the dormitory as we were working on an essay on Hinky Punks for Defence Against the Dark Arts. Her, Rowan and I were alone, the others hadn't returned for the night yet.

'Like who?' I grumbled at her, offended that she didn't consider me strong and fearless enough. 'Skye Parkin? Erika Rath?'

'Barnaby Lee,' she answered without hesitation.

'Isn't that one of Snyde's mates?' I asked. I was fairly sure Lee had been one of the people Tulip had hit with her massive dungbomb.

'Yeah, that's the bloke,' she nodded eagerly.

'And...' I said slowly, not understanding at all. 'Why would he help us?'

To be honest, I wasn't entirely sure why Tulip was still helping us. Our relationship had been strictly polite, roommates and acquaintances right up until I'd discovered that she had key to my brother's secret room.

'He's a decent bloke and Merula's a bully,' Tulip went on.

'Well, yeah, everyone knows that,' I rolled my eyes.

'He could be useful,' she said.

'I'm sure he could be,' I replied. 'Save for the minor detail that he's one of Merula Snyde's best mates.'

'Ah, yeah, that,' she waved a hand dismissively. 'You ought to introduce yourself. He's about a sharp as a bowling ball, he ought to be easy enough to win over.'

'I don't know if you've met me, Tulip, but I'm not exactly winsome and charming,' I scowled.

'He won't be impressed by any of that,' she scoffed.

'Then why don't you speak to him?' I countered.

'He doesn't like me,' she grimaced.

'Right, and he'll feel differently about me?' I raised an eyebrow.

'It's worth a shot, Eleonora Knight,' she shrugged.

I sighed. I supposed it was. I was a bit desperate.


The following week, I encountered Barnaby Lee in the Great Hall. I hadn't exactly been looking for him. I'd been trying to work out a way to get into the Restricted Section without him, but hadn't had any luck so far.

He spotted me immediately, narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms across his chest. I had to fight back a gulp. His arms were thick for a thirteen-year-old. He was quite intimidating. Maybe Tulip was right.

I slowed my pace as I approached him. I could have ducked down a different aisle, but then it would have been obvious that I was avoiding him and the last thing I wanted was more trouble.

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