Start from the beginning

"On your resilience." He said.

"I am pretty resilient and patient." I countered.

"And why should I believe you?" He asked.

"Only one way to find out." I said. This time, it was my turn to smirk.

"There will be no specified timings. You go home when I want, you come to office when I want." He said.

"Good thing I don't have a family here." I stated with a straight face.

"You have to accompany me on business trips." He said.

"I love travelling." I replied.

"You may get called to my home for any personal errand." He said.

"I don't see a problem in that." I stated.

"You are not allowed to have any physical relation with me." He said.

It would be a lie to say it didn't take me off guard but I kept my face straight.

"Won't be an issue for me." I replied with a cold smirk and the corner of his lips lifted a little. "Now that we have discussed the clauses, may I ask, is the salary negotiable?" I came to the point.

"You didn't get the job yet." He reminded me. "But trust me, you wouldn't need to negotiate the salary." Saying this, he dismissed me and called the next applicant for interview.

I was pretty sure I wasn't going to get the job but it was cathartic in a weird way. I can say I left New York with all my dignity intact, instead of begging that asshole to give me a job. The thought of leaving this city made me a little sad but I cheered myself with a burrito from a stall. I was young and there would be a lot of opportunities for me in the future. There was no need to cry over a city.


"Twerk. Twerk. Twerk." Both Max and I shouted in sync. The tall twins extended their derriere and did a pathetic attempt at twerking.

Max and I were hosting Jacob and Jace today, our friends from NYU. They were fraternal twins; Jacob was a popular, muscular heartthrob since university days while Jace was simply a human fluff ball. Since these might be my last few days in New York city, it was my plan that all of us should gather for one last time before the official goodbyes.

"You should work with us." Jacob suggested as he plopped down beside me. They both ran a YouTube channel where they pranked people, most of which was scripted.

"Pass. I'm camera shy. I would rather work something lowkey." I said, knowing fully well they could easily afford a carefree lifestyle since their parents were established lawyers. I had to get a good job where I could support my parents so they could have an easier life.

We opened another box of pizza and picked up a piece each.

"What a shitty life! No money, no love, no excitement. Nobody told me adulting would be this hard." I groaned.

"You know what you need?" Max said, chugging the coke. "Sex."

"Not again." I rolled my eyes.

"You are a 24-year old virgin. Of course you have no excitement in your life." Max exclaimed.

"Ellie is a good girl. She is saving herself for her marriage." Jacob said with a wink.

"I am not saving myself for the marriage." I groaned. "I just haven't developed that kind of connection to someone."

"Who said you need connection for an orgasm?" Max said.

"Actually El is right. Some of us are demisexual. We need strong emotional connection to be attracted to someone." Jace sided with me.

"Where was this demi-shit when you were fucking my girlfriend Catelyn." Jacob slapped the back of Jace's head.

"Hey, she was not your girlfriend. And we made love only after you broke her heart by sleeping with her best friend." Jace defended himself. Soon, the twins got into a wrestling match.

"Making love my ass." Jacob groaned.

I was enjoying myself with their brotherly fight when my phone started ringing.Walking to a side, I answered the call and a man's voice spoke from the other side.

"Miss. Anderson, I am speaking from Sveston industries. You have been hired as personal assistant of Mr. Nathan Byers. Please report to the HR at 8 am tomorrow with your joining report." The voice said and my eyes widened in disbelief.

"Miss. Anderson?"

"Yes. Yes, I will be there." I squealed and after cutting the call, started dancing in joy.

"What happened?" The twins stopped their wrestling and asked in unison.

"I got the job at Svestons." I said and all three of them rushed towards me, englufing me in a bear hug. "I won't have to leave New York."


I'll update this story after every 3-4 days.

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