A faint smile adorned her lips as she stared up at him, her mind in a whirl as their eyes stayed locked, his hand coming to reach to her lower back, pulling her flush against his chest.

Adi leaned up, cupping his cheeks as she kissed him, hard. He didn't hesitate as he grabbed her harder, deepening the kiss.

She pulled away after a few moments, blinking rapidly from the blurriness of her vision.

"Adi, cmon. Let's go." A voice rang through her ears, tugging on her wrist. "It's Helena. You're plastered come on."

Adi caved, being thrown over a shoulder as she laughed, resting her cheek on the side of his head, immediately recognizing the curls as Dylan Dukes.

She shut her eyes, feeling like she was flying as Helena rushed them into the dorm, thanking the boy as Adi sprawled out over the bed.

Helena sighed deeply, tugging her hair into a loose ponytail as she undid Adi's shoes, throwing them on the floor.

"Hels?" Adi called, patting the bed in search for the brunette.

"I'm right here, Ads." Helena hummed, getting the wet rag as she rubbed the girls face. "God, you need to stop getting drunk."

Adi chuckled. "I really fucking hate him."

"Luca?" Helena furrowed her brows at the blurted words.

"No." Adi shook her head quickly. "Luke. And he'll probably hate me once he finds out that I made out with one of his friends."

Helena chewed into her bottom lip. "He's not gonna find out. Not if Luca doesn't say anything. We all know how sensitive Luke can be, yes, it'll break him, but he broke up with you."

Adi peeled her eyes open, a burning sensation in them. "I tried, you know? Like, I wanted to sit there and beg him to not leave me. It hurts and it makes me sick when I think of the way he promised he wouldn't."

Helena climbed on the bed, tucking her bare feet beneath her bottom. "It'll be okay, Adi."

"Yeah." Adi nodded into her pillow. "You can go now. I can tell you're itching to take your makeup off. Thank you, Hels."

Helena smiled, pecking her lips against the girls forehead. "Sweet dreams, blue bug."

Adi turned her big light off, shifting as she reached for her phone, squinting as the room spun. Her finger clicked his contact with no thought, like a chain reaction.

He picked up after the first ring, shuffling on his side could be heard as he groaned softly. "Hello?"

Her heart fell to her ass as her eyes began to water. "Lukey?"

"Ads. It's almost three in the morning. Why are you calling?" He asked, yawning from the late hour.

She was stumped, 'cause she didn't know either. "I don't know. I just wanted to hear your voice. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry." Luke hummed with a short chuckle. "Are you okay?"

"Swell." She slurred, "Just fucking swell."

Luke was silent for the next few seconds. "Are you drunk, Adi Blue?"

"Maybe." Adi swallowed the lump in her throat, her heart pounding in her chest. "I shouldn't have called you. Fuck, I shouldn't have done this."

"It's okay." Luke reassured. "Please. I...I've been wanting too...."

Adi couldn't take it, even in her drunk state, her senses began to kick in, his voice becoming nails on a chalkboard. "Stop. Not like this. I'm sorry, Luke. I have to go."

She hung up before he could respond, flipping over face first as she began to violently sob. Mad at herself, his stupid face, her kiss with Luca, how drunk she'd gotten, and how unfair love was.

And Luke, miles upon miles away, couldn't stop thinking about a three minute phone call. He had been waiting for her, debating to reach out, but he couldn't because she deserved better.

It was killing him. But it was killing her just the same.

sign of contact!
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*ೃ༄ NEVER GROW UP ; LUKE HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now