New Yoke City is a dystopian city ruled by the Choas Councial, entirely industrialized and heavily polluted, and a twisted version of from another universe. An alternate version to Green Hills if Sonic never existed.

Part 2: The Yokes on you

(Skipping the Shadow part, all you need to know is that Shadow and Sonic fought)

(My description of Shadow: I know what you're thinking. Sonic has a twin brother! Unfortunately, that's not the case. His name is Shadow the Hedgehog and he's more like Sonic's dark counterpart. He's sleeker and more edgy, with a black and red color scheme, as opposed to Sonic's blue and white. Shadow is more serious and brooding, with a mysterious past and a connection to the destructive power of the Chaos Emeralds. He's a formidable rival and sometimes an uneasy ally to Sonic. So, let's get back to the main story!)

Narrator (Aka me): Btw he roller skates.

Shadow: Their air shoes!

Narrator: Sorry!

Before all of Sonic's running...

Knux is seen running along the rooftops as Reble glides beside him, as Dr Babbles mech takes the three away. They crouch under an edge to avoid being spotted.

Nine: Are you sure we were best friends?

The mech begins to head toward the

Knux: Blue streak has a friend?

Rebel: The fox didn't seem friendly. The robot seemed cute.

Knux: What?

Rebel: What jealous?

Knux: Me? Jealous? Never!

Rebel: Oh, come on. Admit it, you wish you had a robot companion like that.

Knux: I am a lone echidna warrior; I don't need a cute robot by my side.

Rebel: Uh-huh, sure. Anyway, whoever they are their part of this now.

Rebels' communicator goes off revealing a resistance member.

Resistance Member: Hey boss! You gotta get back to HQ right now. There's something you gotta see.

Knux and Rebel exchange a worried look before Rebel nods before cutting the call. They quickly make their way back to headquarters, a sense of urgency in their steps. They both jump off the roof. into a small alley, Rebel grabs onto a small pipe, she looks around before slipping inside, Knux checks his surroundings before heading into the pipe.

Resistance HQ...

The elevator opens up revealing Knux and Rebel as they walk in the command center.

Resistance member: Rebel Rouge, Renegade Knux, this way.

He beings leading them to a small TV. it shows when A/N and Sonic were fighting on the train.

Sonic: Stop! Don't you want to go home, sunny skies? Blue beaches? Palm trees?

Knux: Did he just say?


The scene shows Rebel sleeping, hanging upside down from a palm tree, the ground begins to rumble causing her to fall out. She gets up and sees palm trees being moved, destroyed.

Rebel: Huh?

An eggforcer pushes a pile of palm trees, she gets caught in it before flying out of it, watching the destruction unfold.

Knux yell, he's on a little barge, punching Eggforcers.


Rebel swoops down grabbing him, he struggles in her grip but stops when he sees fires spread out all over the forest.

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