Chapter Two: Swimming

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POV: Ashley Madden

I walked into my big closet and found a cute yellow one piece with matching white shoes with little yellow flowers on them. Then I find a red longer two piece, so it doesn't show too much. I then find a pair of royal blue flats and when I look up I spot a matching two piece. 

I look around for my outfit and for two pairs of shoes, and my eyes rest upon some red flats with smaller red bows on the tip which matched with the red two piece. Finally for me I look and in the far back corner I find a short lavender bikini and some matching purple heels. I run out of my closet and hand them the pretty swimwear.

 "Okay here are your outfits, go into this bathroom and get changed then I will do some makeup and your hair." I said in a rush, I quickly pushed them into the bathroom, I went into my private bathroom and got changed then I ran out and didn't see anyone quite yet so I applied some natural makeup with a little bit of light purple eye shadow and some very glossy lip gloss. 

I turn around but I still can't see them so I put my hair in a high ponytail. About a minute of me just scrolling on Twitter later, my friends came out looking glamorous, "Wow you guys look really pretty!" I said, giving myself a mental pat on the back for the great work I had done. 

"You did an amazing job Ash!" Liz said, while she was looking at herself in the big vanity mirror in my room. "Yeah you did a great job, can you do this to me all the time?" Ivy said, twirling around to get a better look of herself. "She always does an awesome job when she does this for me." Soph said, giving me a thumbs up to mean she really meant it. I felt myself cracking a smile at her kind words. 

"Okay so enough of the chit chat, are you guys ready?" I really wanted to go swimming right this instant and if my friends kept giving me nice compliments, not that I don't like them, but we would never get there on time if this keeps happening. 

They thankfully nodded. I grabbed four towels in all and pulled them out of my house. I waved goodbye to my mom, my brother and Lily and then we were off. I got in my milky white limousine and my friends followed close after me.  

We talked and I felt that we were becoming really close friends in no time. Eventually we got to the pond and sadly it looked like there were a ton of people there. I always hated being crowded even though I am a very social person, it's really weird. I got out of the car and we trudged through the deep sand, I looked around and spotted the boys. 

I ran over to them, my bag getting heavier and heavier as I ran. I was a pretty fast runner so soon I caught up to them. "Hi guys," I said, "You look good." Theo was wearing grey swim trunks, David was wearing black trunks with blue and white stripes, and finally Jack was wearing a teal-ish blue colour swimwear, he looked amazing. 

"Thanks Ash, you look good too." David said, giving me a big smile. Again does he have issues? "Where are they... Oh here they are," I said, turning around to find my friends out of breath running to me and the boys. "Come on guys, you're taking forever." I whined, pretending that I had a watch and looking at my wrist to emphasize the 'your taking too long' part. "Jeez you run fast." Liz said, dropping her stuff and sitting down. 

"Yeah you really do, what, do you take sprinting lessons or something?" Ivy said, while plopping down right next to Liz. "Well I wish we could have gone closer to the water, but I guess we can set up here." I said putting my stuff down and laying out my towel so I could lay on it. 

I sat down on my pink towel and pulled my phone out from the biggest pocket in my backpack, I started taking pictures of me at the beach and then when I found the perfect pic I sent it to my mom. Then I put my phone down and laid down, I pushed up my sunglasses onto my face and started sunbathing.  

I stayed like that for a while but then something cold and wet landed on my bare stomach. "Aghhh." I screeched. I ripped off my sunglasses and saw a strawberry blonde haired boy with dark chocolate brown eyes running towards me. I stood up as fast as I could and said; 

"What happened, did you do this to me?" I yelled at the boy. "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to hit you. I apologize and if you want to hit me back you can." He said, hanging his head low in shame. "No it's fine, I'm sorry I yelled, and no I am not going to hit you back. That would mean I would be a monster." I said with the most sincerity I could muster in my voice so he knew I was serious about my decision. 

"Thank you so much, what's your name?" He asked, probably so he could thank me even more. "My name is Ashley, but you can call me Ash." I said. "Thank you so much Ash. Oh wait, I have an idea of how I can repay you," He said after thinking for a few seconds, "I have a party on Sunday this week, do you want to come? Please!" He begged me, I stood there puzzling trying to remember if I had anything to do on that day but I couldn't come up with anything. 

"Sure, so where is this party?" I asked, "Well can you tell me your phone number and info then later I will text you the address." He said, so I gave him my phone number and waved goodbye then he left to go back to his friends. I started walking back to my towel but then I remembered that I was sort of wet so I ran towards the water where my friends were playing and splashing each other. 

"Oh hey Ash, it seemed like you and that boy were having fun." Sophie said in a teasing voice, I felt my cheeks go beet red. "Yeah what did he ask you for, your phone number I'm assuming." Liz joined in with Sophie's teasing. "He asked me for my phone number and he invited me to his party and holy moly this water is freezing." I said, while my teeth were chattering like crazy, a loud noise coming off from them. 

"Okay we get it the water is cold, but what did he do, like what he say?" Liz asked, coming a little too close into my personal space then I would have liked her to. "He splashed some water on me and then he said that he would like me to come to his party to make up for it. Nothing happened like how you guys are picturing it, okay." I said, making sure they understood me before moving on. 

"Okay girls, do you want to have a sleepover at my house tonight?" I asked, really hoping that they would so they would tell me their crushes, if they had any of course, which they did it was so obvious. "Sure!" They all said in unison. "Yay!" I said, clapping my hands together in excitement.

 "Okay my house though, right?" I asked just to make sure I was right. "Yep!" Sophie and Ivy said together while Liz said; "Of course." I giggled a little. "Okay, I think it's getting late, are you guys ready to go?" I asked all of them. They either nodded or said yes. "Okay so I'll be taking home the girls, boys I have absolutely no idea how you're going to get home though." I said. "That's fine my dad will be driving me and the rest of us home, you gals have fun bye." Jack said waving bye to us as we did the same thing to repeat them. It has been a fun day at the beach but it was time to go home... And party there, all night long!

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