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Inside Phuwin's cozy apartment, Pond and Phuwin started their day together with a cooking adventure.They decided to pass the time with some indoor activities.

Pond: "So, what do you feel like cooking today?"

Phuwin: "Hmm, how about we make pasta? It's simple and delicious."

Pond: "Sounds perfect. Let's get started then!"

With aprons tied around their waists and laughter filling the air, they both bragged about their cooking skills and how amazingly delicious the dish would be . However, the boys somehow ended up eating instant noodles,because.....well... what they had prepared looked like everything but pasta.The result was more like a failed science experiment.

Pond:"Actually, pasta and noodles are just like non-identical twins, so there's not really a big difference between them"

Phuwin:" You made us look even more miserable,man"

Pond:" You're right ,Never thought pasta will humble me,man"

Phuwin:"How are we still calling this pasta! It looks so bad that I wouldn't even wish for my enemies to taste it ,man"

Pond:"I think this is a sign to focus on acting only, man"

So after finishing their meal and  agreeing on never be together in the same kitchen again, Pond suggested watching some movies, and Phuwin eagerly agreed.

Pond: "What movie should we start with?"

Phuwin: "How about that comedy we both love? It's been ages since we watched it."

Pond: "Sounds like a plan. Let's grab some popcorn and get comfy."

They curled up on the couch under a pile of blankets, popcorn bowls in hand, as they started their cinematic journey through their favorite films

With each movie watched, Pond found himself drawn to Phuwin's laughter and the way his eyes lit up with excitement

In between movie breaks, Pond and Phuwin challenged each other in card games. And whenever the competition heated up, Pond couldn't help but admire Phuwin's competitive spirit and the way his eyes sparkled with determination

Whether winning gloriously or losing horribly, Pond cherished every moment spent in Phuwin's company

As the night drew to a close, Pond and Phuwin were having a spontaneous dance party.

Phuwin: "I can't believe we are dancing in the living room like this."

Pond: "Who cares? It's just you and me, having the time of our lives."

As music blared from Phuwin's speakers, they twirled and swayed across the room, their laughter echoing off the walls as they danced the night away.

When the rhythm changed to a calm and romantic one they found themselves wrapped in each other's arms, the warmth of their embrace made both of them feel very comfortable and happy.The dim lighting, the soft music, and Phuwin locked between his arms made Pond feel like the luckiest man on earth.
As they both settled into bed and were laying in the darkness,Pond was staring at the ceiling while recalling the day's events, his heart was full of newfound hope and unspoken desires, he hoped that this day indoors may be the beginning of something truly special between them

Suddenly, Phuwin spoke up, breaking the quiet.

Phuwin: "Pi Pond?"

Pond: "Yeah, what's up?"

Phuwin: "I don't know... It's just... Today has been amazing, but... I can't shake this feeling that maybe... there's something more going on between us."

Pond's heart skipped a beat, his mind racing with thoughts. How could Phuwin suspect his feelings? Was he too obvious with his affection?

Pond:"Uh, what do you mean?"

He held his breath, hoping Phuwin wouldn't notice his nervousness

Phuwin: "I don't know... It's just... the way you've been looking at me... the way you've been acting... It's like... you have feelings for me or something."

Pond's mind raced. How could he respond without revealing his true feelings? With a nervous laugh, he brushed off Phuwin's suspicions.

Pond:"Haha, don't be ridiculous, Phuwin. We're just really good friends, you know? Just enjoying each other's company."

His heart pounded in his chest, hoping his response sounded convincing enough.

Of course Phuwin noticed Pond's frustration so he tried to reduce the tension "Hey, relax, Pond. I was just joking. Can't a guy mess around with his best friend?

He flashed a playful grin, but his eyes clearly showed some doubt and uncertainty

And as they drifted off to sleep, Phuwin was conflicted with his thoughts , he was trying hard to convince himself that it's just his imagination, that his pi is naturally nice and there are no feelings or intentions involved.

To be continued....

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