Chapter 1: The Vow

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King Shantan and his adult prince Bravin were riding through the forest after their hunt. 

'Father, you are getting old now.' 

Said Prince Bravin as he eyed the load of the hunted deer in the chariot behind them.'Today you haven't downed as many of them as you always used to.'

'When the son grows up the father grows old. But with a worthy son, the father grows stronger and stronger. What do you think, I care about old age?'

'Don't be too proud of me.' chided the prince. 'Or I will pester you again with the same topic. You know how you hate it!'

The king laughed. 

'Its no joke.' Continued the prince. 'I can't understand why you don't want to get married again. It's been such a long time. And I am the only heir you have. It is your duty to-'

'Son, now don't you be my father.' laughed he. 'I am old and-

They were suddenly interrupted by a rider coming in great haste from opposite direction. He stopped before the halted party.

'Your Grace! Your presence is urgently needed at the palace.'

The king looked at Bravin and threw a look at the kill behind.

'Your Grace, you look tired after the day's hunt. I suggest I go in your stead.' 

'That sounds good. I will rest awhile and come later.' 

'Your Grace' The Prince and the messenger bowed to the king and rode away back to the palace while the king walked his horse to the river to let it drink while he stretched his legs. 

I think, I really am getting old now! Thought he to himself. The forest was thick and green and so dark that it must appear scary after sundown. But the river with its sweet slow flowing sound was extremely calming. 

A sound of a woman humming filled the air. A sweet melodic humming that lay over the waters like an evening fog. A woman was singing while she idly rowed her little boat. She seemed like a fisherwoman with nets piled up in it. 

The king watched with mild interest as the boat drew nearer and nearer. Her long flowing hair almost brushing the waters from behind. Her slender hands rowing the boat gently rhythmically as if she had not a care in the whole world, humming a melody as if playing with the wind. She wasn't even coming to the shore; just idly rowing. As she turned the king forgot everything. She had the loveliest face he had ever seen! 

'Stranger, you are staring at me like a king!' She laughed.

'What if I were?' the king came nearer to the shore. The girl rowed nearer too. Her simple fisherman's raggy shaggy dress somehow made her look more beautiful than expensive elaborate dresses that other ladies wore. 

'Then it's my lucky day.' She giggled. 'I always wanted to marry a king.'

'Then you should go to the king and tell him. May be your wish is granted.'

'What makes you think my wish will be granted?'

'Did anybody tell you you are the most beautiful woman people have ever seen?'

'You mean you have ever seen?'


'Not so beautiful.' She smiled enticingly and stretched out her hands. 'I am sure I must smell like a fish.'

The bushes behind the king rustled as a middle-aged rustic man emerged from the forest. As he saw the king he exclaimed. 

'You Majesty!' He threw himself at his feet with reverence throwing aside his net of fishes. The girl got confused. 

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