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Freddy Kreuger:

You're sitting together in a dimly lit room, the air heavy with the scent of decay and damp earth. Freddy is pressed against your side, cuddling with you, when he reaches behind him to grab something. He holds out a large candy box with a big red bow.

"Hey, babe, got something special for ya," he rasped.

You opened the lid, trying your best to smile despite the gross sticky feeling on the outside of the box. Inside was a mangled hand severed at the wrist, its flesh pale and mottled with dark bruises. Blood oozes from the jagged stump, dripping onto the floor with sickening plops. The fingernails are torn and ragged, and a pretty matching ring and bracelet glint in the dim lighting.

"I carved it up just for you," he continued, claw tracing your wrist just soft enough to not draw blood.

"Oh, Freddy, you shouldn't have," you stammered.

The hand feels cold and clammy in your grasp and as the metallic scent of blood fills your nose, your stomach churns. You hold your breath for a few seconds, chanting in your head: it's just a dream, it's just a dream, it's just a dream!

Freddy chuckles, the sound echoing. "Thought you might like me thinking of you when you're gone. Don't you?"

He watches you intently, eyes drilling into your side profile. His anticipation is almost thick enough to cut as he waits for your response. You force yourself to muster a weak smile, carefully putting the hand back in the box.

"Of course! And, thank you," you manage to choke out. "It's...very special. I love it."

Ben Willis:

After a long day at work, you almost kicked over the present waiting on your welcome mat in your haste to get inside. You huffed and picked it up, frown slowly slipping into a gentle smile. It was wrapped messily in yellow and baby blue tissue paper, Susie's favorite colors, and a thick black ribbon. You opened the door with your hip, walking into the kitchen and sitting down at the table.

Ripping the tissue paper off, you found a stunning antique music box. You gasped. Its dark cherry wood was polished to perfection, and intricate carvings of a stormy sea and a lighthouse draped across the lid and sides. You ran your fingers over it, admiring the craftsmanship.

You turned the small brass key sitting in the lock, and a haunting melody filled the air. The tune sent a chill down your spine. It was beautiful, but there was something sad and haunting about it. You couldn't quite put your finger on why.

Turning the box over, you discovered an inscription on the bottom: 

"t໐ ๓ฯ tē๓pēŞt-tค๓iຖງ l໐งē."

A warm flutter spread through your chest at Ben's sweet words, and you laid your head down on the table, closing your eyes as the music echoed through the kitchen.


You're curled up on the couch with a fuzzy blanket, enjoying your day off. The TV hums quietly in the background as you watch your favorite show. Just as you start to unwind, you hear a soft knock.

You turn around in your seat, grinning when you find Candyman propped up against the wall with a sexy smirk. He's holding a small, ornately wrapped box in his gloved hands. The paper is blood-red and a beautiful white rose is taped to the lid.

"Hey there," he murmurs, his voice deep and smooth, sending shivers down your spine. "I brought you something."

He sits with you on the couch, pulling your feet onto his lap as he hands you the box.

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