What We Know

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The three of us were at the diner again. We all had coffees. "So what all do we know about who hit Y/n?" Cassie asked.
"We know what he looks like." Julia said. "Facial hair, dark hair-"
"Ezekiel." I said. They looked at me. "His name is Ezekiel Sims. The guy who hit me. He stopped last night to double check if i was okay."
"Well, Ezekiel might be the next part of my visions. Probably almost getting killed. Let's try to meet up with him, and talk about this." Cassie said. Then her pupils dilated. "Cassie?" I asked her.
"Cass?" Julia snapped her fingers in front of her face. Then her pupils went normal and she gasped. "You good?" Cassie looked around, panicked. She turned back to us. "Guys, we gotta go. Now." She said. She rose up and slipped out of the seat.
"Whats going on?" Julia asked.
"That man back there's gonna kill Y/n. We gotta go now!" I looked over at him. It was Ezekiel. "Thats Ezekiel." I said.
"What!?" Cassie said. "No, this is worse than I thought...let's go!" Cassie exclaimed again. She grabbed both of our hands and dragged us out the diner. "The other employees, they gotta know I left-"
"Tell them it was an emergency. Get in my car." Cassie said. She opened her car. Me and Julia looked at each other, sharing the same unsure look. We both got in. Cassie got in and started driving. "Holy shit."
"What?" Julia asked.
"I just changed what I saw." Cassie told us. "I saw that man grabbing Y/n and shoving a butter knife in your eye. But...i saved you!" Cassie said. "So I CAN change the future."
"Cassie, if Ezekiel was the same guy who hit Y/n, then we have a big problem. Ezekiel might have deliberately tried to kill Y/n." Julia said.
"She's right. We have to tell the police or..." I stopped myself. Telling the police isn't a great idea. "...no. Then Cassie might be seen as insane. We don't need that." I said.
"So what, you wanna murder him in skin tight black suits?" Julia said.
"No. No! No way, Julia!" I told her. "We just gotta watch him and-"
"And let more visions come to me." Cassie said.
"Yeah. That."
"Y/n, now that we know this, this could be dangerous for you in your apartment-"
"You can stay with me." Julia said. Then she gasped. "I'm sorry."
"No, no, thats okay. Thats...what I was gonna say." Cassie said.
"I'll stay with you, Julia." I told her. She grabbed my hand and smiled. I smiled back.

 Clairvoyance (Madame Web Rewritten Story w/Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now