"He is just wanting you to hold him for a minute whilst he removes the top part of his wet robe," informs Night storm holding out a cup of tea towards the parent.

Rose nods and starts to gently rock the sobbing baby. It seems to sooth him and he starts to suck on his little fist.

The dad is very impressed he strokes his son's head the translator tell her, "He said you will make a good parent."

"Oh thank you. I hope to have children one day," replies Rose handing the baby back.

The parent holds son close to his bare skin and gives her a pat on the arm. This is another way of saying you're welcome.

The young lady performs a shallow bow then continues to hand out blankets.

It does not seem long before Storm is telling them it is now safe to return to their homes. The villagers are shock to see every single house and market stall are now covered in flowing vies. There is even a pleasant smell in the air and fruit has been left on one of the tables in the market.

They all take a moment to thank the Titan with a bow before they each take one of the offings on their way home.

Night storm stays to help the couple to clean up from having so may people in one place with muddy shoes.

Sun is gathering up all of the cups when he notices on the floor by the window is small toy of what looks like squid.

"Oh dear, which child left this behind? Any ideas, Night storm, Rose?"

They both shake their heads. The lad knows what he must do and heads down to the village to see a man with a small child is on their way up.

"Is this your?" Sun asks holding up the toy.

The parent picks up his child and whispers, "Ke te."

"Ta sa," says the child holding out his hand.

"Oh ki ye mo ta ye," says the father with a slight shake of his head.

The child quickly speaks, "Nu, nu de na yin sa."

This makes the father laugh a little and gives his son a kiss on the forehead.

Sun smiles and hands the toy to the child who gives him a happy smile back.

"Nu, nu um ma ye."

The translator comes trotting over to tall the lad, "He said thank you for finding it."

"You're welcome, I am so pleased I was able to reunite it with its owner."

Night storm translates and the parent gently pats the top of Sun's head before he walks away.

"Well that was easy," says Sun and together they return to the house.

Once everywhere is neat and tidy the couple make sure Night storm has a cup of tea before he goes home, then they settle down for the night.

The next morning Sun is up and heading out the door to fetch breakfast when he notices a basket of fruit has been left on the walkway way.

He picks it up and notices on the piece of paper is the drawing of a squid like creature.

"Bless them, they did not need to do that," says Sun taking it to the kitchen.

Even Rose is taken back by how kind and generous the people are. She hopes they are able to shape their own people to be like this. They kiss and the young man leaves her to it. He is making his way down to the market when he notices there is a bit of a small crowd gathered around one of the homes.

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