Reestablishing contact

Start from the beginning

Whisper is looking at the read out of the planet. "Wait, you are living on the broken moon, I thought that place had been abandoned centuries. I cannot believe what I am reading, there are seven thousand of you. Why are you still there?"

"To be honest, I have no idea. So, what you are saying is this world should have been evacuated."

"That is precisely what I am saying. Ooh it is too early for this," sighs the man rubbing the side of his face.

Sun bows his head. "I will call back later to discus this further."

"Bless you. Yes, speak to you in two hours. On your world, that is equivalent to three and a half hours."

"I understand," answer Sun and ends the call.

The young man cannot believe it, the ones who rule his world have been lying to them all this time. He cannot wait to speak with Whisper again. Sun decides to head home and for now does not tell his family of what happen. When it is time for him to leave again he comes up with plan to make out he needs recalibrate the shield, even tough he is yet to fit it.

Just after the time they said the screen once again comes rising out of the table and this time it is Sun's equipment which starts to ping. He pushes the button and the screen comes flickering on.

Whisper is now dressed in a nice pale robe with his long golden hair flowing our his shoulders. It is then Sun notices the handsome man is wearing a mask that is slightly transparent. He is only seeing in now because the light is bouncing off some metal attachments near the top.

"I should tell you, I am the leader Moonlight's son. I am in charge of contacting other worlds and helping them in a time of crises. My elders informed me, we got nothing from your world. You refused our help. I am hoping now things have changed."

Sun just cannot get over the man's voice, it shows not one ounce of emotion, yet he is very authority sounding.

"I think you will have to be the judge of that," implies Sun with a smile and goes on to inform him about his invention to deploy another shield or strengthen the current one.

Whisper nods and answers a moment later, "Yes, that will by you some time to evacuate everyone. The problem is you cannot present anything to your leaders."

"It's all right, I have a sister, I know she will be more than keen to help."

Whisper slightly raises his left hand, then disappears off screen.

All Sun can hear are two people talking. It was almost like they were discussing something.

A moment later Whisper returns. "All right, I will be right with you."

Some more lights on the console start to light up and to his right comes the sound of crackling as though something was starting up.

"Jin sa un ka?"

"Tun na la sin."

"Ah, it is looking like the gate on your side needs to be fixed. Follow the blinking lights on the floor."

Sun looks down to see there are indeed red lights going in a patten across the floor. He starts to do as he was asked follow them to eventually reach a round circle.

"Look for a panel on the left," calls Whisper.

It takes a moment for the young man to locate it and realises the smoke he is seeing is coming from within. This makes him quickly unlock it and removes the panel out of the way, to discover an old glass tube is no longer clear. The whole thing is black and sparks seems to be coming through a small hole in the top.

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