chapter 1: or what?

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i have been at the england camp last month finally being called up to the senior team, leading up to the euros. today is the first day of the euros. i have been selected for the england squad just recently as i am a young player, i'm already in the starting 11 for the team.
i play for chelsea, and i'm a regular starting player at just 19. my contract ends in two months, just after the euros is over. there are many teams who are willing to pay record breaking bids for me.

it's the first day of the euros camps and everyone has been training all day so now it's time for a light and easy gym session.
as i'm new, they have put me in a room with leah, our captain. they hope it will help guide me, set a good example. sarina needs me on this team more than anything, she has expressed that to me for a number of years. i got called, she said i have not gotten a call up, but she thinks i would be a real game changer for the team, if i just changed my bad attitude. fuck off.
but now she has given up, needing me for this big tournament. so they have put me with leah, as if that's going to help change my attitude. i'm not a fan of leah if i'm honest. she must think she's so great for being captain. i can feel how arrogant she is when i'm around her, so i have been keeping a conscious effort to stay away from her.

i'm quite tall, about 5'9. i'm half english, half spanish, but my nationality is english. i get the spanish from my dad, im fluent in spanish but i have grown up in england my whole life. that's where i get my tanned skin and dark hair from, although i dye my hair blonde, which is a little grown out.   i'm a fan favorite for many people, and i have seen many of the edits they make of me. i'm also known for kicking off a lot on pitch. i don't make stupid tackles and hurt them, it's off the ball that i loose my head. one thing im proud of is im very composed, calm on the ball. i make the perfect tackle, not rushing, i easily dribble through the players and ping perfect balls into the box.
but, if someone pushes me, or makes stupid comments, or try to get into my head, i absolutely loose it. that's one thing sarina has talked to me about. if i can't manage to hold in my anger, or get as many yellows as i do in the wsl, she won't let me play.

i walk into the gym, lessi and ella at my sides. they're my best friends, we are practically glued at the hip, and our chemistry together is unmatched. i make my way over to treadmill. i turn it on and start running, trying to turn my thoughts off. taking my mind away from the huge tournament infront of me.

i had a meeting with sarina when we got into the hotel.
she told me i had a chance in the starting 11, no pressure. she said the team is relying on me, i'm what will take us to the win if i perform how i have been all season. yet again, no pressure. luckily, im used to this pressure. not at the same level as this but i played and captained all my way through the youth lionesses, which only made me more cocky, but i'm a good captain and i deserved it. i won the u17 world cup and the u18 euros. and i scored the winner in both of them.

i wouldn't say i'm proud, but i'm not ashamed of my temper. i got sent off a few times last season, and got uncountable yellows. top person in the league for yellows and reds, and goals. part of the reason i hate leah, is our fights. things get heated in the derby's between our teams, well they used to. now, my manager makes me sub those matches, trying to prevent another sending off. one time i pushed katie, she pushed me back so i punched her, not my proudest moment but she deserved it. i have pushed leah too many times, one time into the goalpost. that was quite funny.
but anyways, you can just guess what happens.

since the start of this camp, since the call up, my thoughts haven't calmed down. i have been a mess. it's been easier to annoy me, easier to get me to lash out. worst part is, i have to spend a month with leah, practically with her 24/7. i don't think i'm even making it another day without calling her every curse word under the sun.

i turn up the treadmill, running faster.

"hey, you might want to take it easy, new girl"
a voice says behind me. i turn my head, catching a slight glance at the source. blonde hair, and a smile set on her face. i ignore her, carrying on running. it angers me. new girl?
i'm more talented than she'll ever be.

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