Gwen had been wearing one of Miles's shirts, as she had been growing bigger by the month, and she couldn't fit into her skinny jeans anymore. She lifted the shirt, showing her exposed and raised stomach. The doctor looked at her and furrowed his eyebrows. "Interesting, usually a number of pregnant women in the second month of pregnancy usually have a raised bump that isn't that large yet."

"Is that a bad thing?" Miles and Gwen replied in unison and the doctor shook his head.

"No, of course not. As I said, we'll check on the baby and see how it's doing. This might be cold," the doctor said as he squeezed the bottle onto a small scanner, capping the bottle and then putting the small device on the bottom of Gwen's stomach. She wriggled a bit, feeling how unexpectedly cold it was.

"Sorry," the doctor chuckled as he looked at the screen, which was pitch black and gray. The doctor moved the camera up Gwen's stomach, until they could see gray and white, and the doctor gently pressed down until an image came up, showing two separate chambers with two different small white objects inside of them. The doctor's eyebrows raised as the camera moved around.

"What's that about?" Miles asked, just as confused as Gwen was.

"Well, would you like to know what those two chambers are?" The doctor asked, pointing at the screen, and then the pieces clicked in Gwen's mind as she quickly looked at Miles, and he had the same expression.

"It's twins," the doctor said with a smile.

"TWINS?!" Miles and Gwen both yelled in surprise and shock. Miles quickly said something frantic in Spanish and crossed his chest, and then fainted on the ground.

"Oh goodness, I'll get a nurse," Doctor Simlas said as he got up, putting the scanner down as he frantically rushed out of the room.

Gwen laughed, looking over at her husband on the floor while looking over at the sonogram on the screen, and she smiled. "Holy shit, I'm having twins.... Holy shit."


𝕄𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕙 𝟝:

Gwen was miserably lying her body splayed out onto the couch as she felt her abdomen twist and shift as the children resting inside her belly were restless, always moving around. She was restless, not being able to go to sleep. She looked down at her stomach, seeing the active twins moving around. She placed a hand on her stomach. "I ate a lot today. You should be very sleepy," she says, trying to soothe them. "Go the fuck to sleep. Please. Or I promise you, you will drive me crazy to the point where I will deliver you myself."

"Gwen, are you trying to threaten the kids to go to sleep again?" Miles walked out and then got excited, bouncing while looking at her. "Are they kicking?"


Miles didn't hesitate to run over and lay his head on his wife's belly. "Hi in there," he began with a soothing voice, and Gwen already could feel the children getting more active, wiggling around, but seemed to be listening. "I can feel you in there," he says, laughing a little as he feels the movement. "I'm your dad, and right now you're in your mommy. You can't come out yet, but mommy really needs to sleep, and she can't do that if you're wiggling around. So please go to sleep," Miles says as the babies calm down for a minute.

"Oh thank God," Gwen says relieved, and then groans.

"What?" Miles says, panicking.

"They're moving again," she says, moving his hand to the left side of her belly, where he could feel the kicks.

"Hmm," Miles thought to himself. "I have another idea. It's something my Mami would sing to me whenever I couldn't sleep," he says sadly with a smile, and then he slowly begins singing a song in Spanish. His voice wasn't the best, but it seemed to be calming to the twins.

𝕎𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕜𝕤 𝔽𝕒𝕝𝕝 (Book 3)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora