Valentine's day party

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Aditya and Anirudh brings jhanak in their house. Aditya tells Anirudh that nobody will know that jhanak is in our house. Anirudh tells Aditya that I hope that shristi doesn't know this. Aditya agrees.

Shristi walks in the room. Anirudh tells Aditya that shristi is coming. Aditya asks Anirudh what should we do now. Anirudh tells Aditya that we must hide Jhanak. Aditya agrees.

Aditya and Anirudh hides Jhanak under the blanket. Shristi comes in the room. Shristi tells Anirudh that arshi is looking for you everywhere. Anirudh tells shristi that I will go and meet her now. Shristi agrees.

Anirudh leaves the room. Aditya says that was a close one. Aditya sleeps with Jhanak on the bed. Anirudh tells arshi that I want to make a proposal to you. Arshi asks Anirudh what is the proposal. Anirudh asks arshi will you marry me. Arshi tells Anirudh that I will marry you. Anirudh agrees.

Anirudh announces everyone that I'm getting married to arshi. Shristi tells Anirudh that Jhanak is out of your life. Anirudh tells shristi that she is still in my house. Shristi tells Anirudh that she is not a part of this family now. Anirudh tells shristi that she is my wife. Shristi tells Anirudh that I want a divorce for Jhanak. Anirudh says fine.

Aditya is sleeping with Jhanak now. Anirudh comes in the room. He wakes up Aditya. Anirudh tells Aditya that I want to divorce Jhanak. Aditya tells Anirudh that it is your choice. Anirudh agrees.

Next day, Anirudh, Aditya and Jhanak are sleeping together in one bed. Jhanak wakes up. Anirudh comes to the living room. Jhanak comes to the living room. Anirudh tells Jhanak that you need to sign these papers for divorce. Jhanak tells Anirudh that I will sign these papers. Anirudh agrees.

Jhanak signs the papers. Shristi tells Anirudh that once we get Jhanak out of the house then we can have the wedding with you and arshi. Anirudh tells shristi that this will be happening at last. Shristi agrees.

Aditya wakes up and sees Jhanak packing her bags. Aditya asks Jhanak why are you packing your bags. Jhanak tells Aditya that I'm divorced and that's why I am leaving anirudh's life and will be entering in your life. Aditya tells Jhanak that I love you. Jhanak tells Aditya that this is the best wish. Aditya agrees.

Anirudh tells arshi that today is Valentine's Day. Arshi tells Anirudh that there is a Valentine's Day party tonight in the restaurant. Anirudh agrees.

Aditya gives a balloon to Jhanak. Jhanak plays with the balloons. Aditya tells Jhanak that I'm in love with you. Jhanak dances with Aditya. Aditya tells Jhanak that I want you to come with me to Mumbai. Jhanak tells Aditya that I will come with you to Mumbai. Aditya agrees.

Arshi comes with a nice dress. Anirudh tells arshi that you look so beautiful. Arshi says thanks. Anirudh agrees.

Aditya tells Jhanak that I brought this dress for you to wear at this Valentine's Day party. Jhanak tells Aditya that I won't wear it. Aditya tells Jhanak that you have to wear it. Jhanak says fine.

Anirudh asks arshi are you ready to go to the restaurant. Arshi tells Anirudh that I'm ready to go to the restaurant. Anirudh agrees.

Aditya prepares food for dinner. Arshi and Anirudh are in the same restaurant. Anirudh tells arshi that you are the best girl in my life. Arshi agrees.

Jhanak walks on the ramp with Aditya. Arshi asks Anirudh will you walk on the ramp with me. Anirudh tells arshi that I will walk on the ramp with you. Arshi agrees.

Will arshi and Anirudh see Jhanak in the party for Valentine's Day.

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