Aditya turns saviour for saving anirudh's life in danger

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Aditya gives his blood through the tube. Aditya asks the nurse is my blood test done yet. The nurse tells Aditya that your blood test is done. Aditya agrees.

Arshi somehow arrives to the hospital. Arshi breaks down. Aditya asks arshi what's wrong. Arshi tells Aditya that I'm so worried about anirudh. Aditya tells arshi that anirudh will be fine. Arshi agrees.

Doctor comes out from the room. Arshi asks the doctor how is anirudh now. The doctor tells arshi that anirudh is completely saved and it is all thanks to Aditya for saving anirudh's life in danger. Arshi agrees.

Jhanak tells Aditya that I want to meet anirudh. Aditya asks the doctor can we go and meet anirudh now. The doctor tells Aditya that you and Jhanak can go and meet anirudh now. Aditya agrees.

Arshi asks Aditya can I come to. Aditya tells arshi that you can also come if you want to. Arshi agrees.

Arshi, Aditya and Jhanak goes in the room and they wait for anirudh to come in his senses. Arshi asks Aditya when will anirudh come to his senses. Aditya tells arshi that anirudh will come in his senses once he regains consciousness. Arshi agrees.

Next part in the story...

Anirudh regains his consciousness. Anirudh asks Jhanak where am I. Jhanak tells anirudh that you are in the hospital. Anirudh agrees.

Anirudh tells Aditya that I want to go back home. Aditya tells anirudh that you will go back home soon. Anirudh agrees.

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