◉⁠‿⁠◉ CHAPTER 8 ◉⁠‿⁠◉

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Jeonghan was walking in the rain while remembering the event which happened in afternoon. He sighed and continued walking towards his home.

A old lady passed by him holding an umbrella. She suddenly tripped and fell making her groceries fall along with her. Jeonghan rushed towards her and helped her stand up

He held her hands making her stand and then held the umbrella on her head. She held the umbrella and Jeonghan started picking up the groceries and settled them in the plastic bag

He handed her the plastic bag "Ajjumma are you okay?" he asked as his voice was laced with concern. The lady's head snapped in a flash to see his face.
Suddenly a thunder struck while her heart froze watching his face

Jeonghan frowned as the lady suddenly froze
'Did she hit her head? If she did i should run before someone caught me' he thought and gave a nervous smile to the lady

Jeonghan suddenly felt himself choke while the lady suddenly hugged him. She started crying while holding Jeonghan in her tight grip
Jeonghan couldn't even move his hands due to the tight grip of the lady
'What does she eat, she's old yet she is holding me like Hulk' Jeonghan said

He tried to find for help but he didn't find anyone in the rainy street. He was struggling in her grip yet she was weeping continuosly
"Yaah Ajjumma leave me" he said but she cried harder
"How can you call me Ajjumma when you used to call me pigchild" she cried while Jeonghan frowned

She broke the hug and cupped his face and brought him down due to his height
She carefully observed him cupping his cheeks and dragging his face left to right

"Ommo your back. I can die peacefully now" she squealed like a child while Jeonghan's jaw dropped "Yaah old lady, don't die. Police will suspect me because I was the last one you met" he said backing away a little

"So did you both have a child. You said you would name your child by my name" she said tapping herself while Jeonghan frowned
"I'm still a university student. How the hell will i have a child and what nonsense are you speaking" Jeonghan said being done by her behaviour

She calmed herself and she gazed at Jeonghan
She was the person who waited for them till today
She was so happy to see Jeonghan

He had changed a lot. His light brown mullet haircut was now a black short hairs with soft bangs
His attire was also changed as he had worn a black tee along with a denim jeans instead of a bell bottom pants along with shirt and suspenders

Jeonghan was watching the lady with a frown and he was actually irritated by her behaviour by now
He decided to leave her alone and passed by her side

The lady watched Jeonghan leave and she was smiling
'Complete your story soon Master Jeonghan' she said to herself and wiped her tears


Joshua was laughing while holding his stomach while Jeonghan groaned getting irritated by his friend
"What the hell are you laughing at, your not helping me" he hissed "You were the one who rejected what I said" Joshua said still laughing

"You said just go and say sorry to her, what will she think of me" Jeonghan said "Then go give her rose or teddy and ask sorry as Google said" Joshua joked as Jeonghan coughed

"Am not proposing her for marriage to give rose or teddy" Jeonghan said "Google is useless. It gives stupid ideas" he whined as Joshua laughed
"Just hold her hand, pull her towards you and kiss her lips-" Jeonghan smacked Joshua's head as he pouted
"Stop giving stupid idea" "But your blushing" "No it's just hot here" the two of them argued while taking on step towards each other

They were standing so close while arguing that they forgot about their surroundings
Suddenly someone coughed gaining their attention as they both turned towards the person

Jeonghan and Joshua saw Yn and Soobin standing there with frown on their faces
They suddenly distanced themselves

"Sorry for disturbing you couples" Soobin said with a smile
Jeonghan panicked and was about to speak but before he could Soobin held Yn's hand and dragged her from there

Jeonghan cursed under his breath
"Shua, she will misunderstand our situation again" he said
"Kiss me Jeonghannie" Joshua said in girly voice while spreading his arms while Jeonghan snapped his head towards him and cringed
"Yaah stay away from me" Jeonghan said being terrified and took a step back while Joshua again took a step from towards Jeonghan

"My oppa am coming" Joshua said and started chasing Jeonghan while Jeonghan started running away from him
Joshua laughed while chasing Jeonghan and a person was watching them from far

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