A distraction and a surprise

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(YES! I've been waiting for SO long to post this one! This is probably one of my favorite chapters!!! Yippie!)

(Amaya Mason pov.)

[Main building stairs:]

I make my way towards the hall.

Hopefully Jian is still there, because if not, I'm going to pass out. These steps are killing me, why does the activities room have to be on the last floor?

As I come closer to the doors, I can hear someone playing piano.
And playing it beautifully.
When I peek inside I already know what I'm going to see. Jian sitting by the piano, playing while the early winter sunlight flows in from the windows.
He doesn't notice me, and keeps on playing, his hands jumping gracefully and making a perfect tone each time, flowing into a river of tunes that erupts into a melody.
I just watch him, listening, holding the door half open.
For a second there, I just take the atmosphere in, forgetting what I actually came for.
Accidentally, the door creeks open and he stops to turn around.

Damn it.

"Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt." I stumble in.

"Don't worry." He stands up "I was finished anyway."

"Want to get out of here?" I ask, pointing my head towards the hallway.


It's not all too cold outside, the trees have lost all their leaves, yet there isn't much snow to be seen.
While sitting on a bench next to the pond which is not far from the training hall , we play chess.
Perhaps a poor choice of game since I haven't played it in a while now. I used to play it on the phone constantly.
I'm thinking over all of my steps, trying very hard to focus, yet Jian seems to be totally calm about the game.
Finally I make a move.
Then Jian moves his bishop and states:
"That's checkmate."

"What?! How?" I blurt out.

"Well, since your pawns were-"

I interrupt him:
"No, I mean how are you so good?"

"Well, practice. Obviously."

"Right. It's always practice, isn't it?"


He perks up from the board and gives me his look, like a cat that just heard some noise.

"I just- I mean it all seems to be easy for you- I'm not just talking about chess, I mean in general.
Even though I practice so much for the lessons- still, it never seems enough.
Sure, I can control my ability, sure, but... I feel like I could do more."

Am I seriously venting? Right now? Wow, perfect timing. Why always make this about yourself?

"So you feel good enough only when you're the best?" He raises a brow.

"Yes! I mean- no. I- ugh." I stand up and look at the pond "It doesn't feel bad, but if it means that I have to stay up all night to study... I don't really enjoy that."

"You're right. No one does.
But... you're also wrong. I'm not good at every subject and I'm not denying it.
What are people without their flaws?" He stands up and comes to me.
"And grades don't define what you can do. For example, you're able to play the violin very outstanding."
"Aiden told you?"
"Yes, but I have no doubt that he's right. However strange that sounds."

He smiles and I chuckle.

"You're good as well, you know." I admit.

"Thank you." He pauses, as if collecting himself. "Maybe... we could play along each other sometime? If it's not too-"

"Of course, why not?"

We look away from each other, and I feel somewhat awkward.

He continues:
"I think, you're already good enough, though I'm sure you'll continue to improve. Just... don't overwork yourself, you can always ask me for help- whenever you want to."

I look at him before using my ability, letting the water in the pond rise, twisting it around my fingers.

Why am I still doing it? Being a good example for Aiden? My pride? Stubbornness? Jealousy? I guess I am slightly jealous.
It's like a voice in the back of my mind, telling me that I am not as good as I should be. Even though Jian has a disadvantage, he still manages to best me.
However, I don't hate him. How could I? Somehow he was the one I didn't mind opening up to.
Not sure if it's the way he looks or the calmness about him.
Perhaps it is the fact that he actually listens to me, giving the attention I've craved for in silence. And that was a language we both are fluid in, no abilities needed.

"Guess so." I say, letting the water fall into the pond that is sparkling with sunlight. "Thank you."

Jian nods and smiles.
I notice him taking my hand and slightly squeezing it when he assures me:

"In case no one told you, you don't have to do this on your own."

This kind of caught me off guard and Jian immediately adds:
"Oh, sorry- I thought-"

"No- wait. It's alright. I like it this way."

I don't want to let go of his hand so we remain holding them, watching the sun reflect itself in the cold water.
Then I eye his watch and realize how late it is.

It's time.

"By the way, I just remembered."

"What?" He turns to me.

Maybe I'm not able to read minds like he does, but for all I know, he has no idea what we planned for him.
I smile.

[Shortly afterwards:]

I open the door to his dormroom, and we both get greeted by a sudden light and cheering.

Everyone shouts:
"Happy birthday Jian!"

"Wha- wait, it's my birthday?" Jian gaps.

"It is." I tell him while leaning on the door frame.

"I... seem to have forgotten."

"We know." Everyone choruses and Jian smirks:

"This looks amazing- thank you guys."

"Oh-oh, but the fun is just beginning!" Aiden proclaims as he puts his arm around Jian.

"First of all, here's the cake!" Valerie bubbles as she extends the cake before him.

It's made out of dark chocolate and has 18 candles, each with a different color, plunged in on top of it.

"Come on, make a wish!" Ben urges.

Jian looks at them, then at the cake, smiles and blows out the candles.

Everyone applauds and cheers.

"Tell me, how long did you plan this for?" Jian wants to know.

"A month, give or take." Ben answers.

"A month?" Jian laughs.

"We had some difficulties." Ben shrugs.

"Although we didn't include the confetti-" Layla gets interrupted by Valerie's death stare:

"Don't you dare mention it."

Everyone looks at her with a concerned expression before she says:
"Come on! Let's eat the cake!"

"Ah... yes!" Layla agrees.

"I do love cakes." Ben comments.

"Especially when they're not burned." I tease Aiden who snaps at me:


(Jian Chen pov.)

I quickly make a note in my journal:
*I wished to never forget them.*

Valerie pulls me from my thoughts:
"Jian, are you going to cut your cake?"

So I look up and put the journal away, smiling:
"Yes, already coming."

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