Just a seventeen year old boy

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The mind of a 17-year-old shouldn't have to hold memories centuries old.

Knowing how your whole life will turn out in the future, knowing all the pain you will go through, all the trauma you will suffer, all the people you will loose, the amount of guilt you will feel, knowing the mistakes you will make - even though you haven't even made them yet, but knowing you will - having memories of spending time with people that haven't even been born yet, remembering the deaths of those you care and will care about, rembering how it felt, even though it hasn't happened yet, and he hasn't felt those emotions yet, but just knowing he will, and having memories from things that haven't happened yet, but knowing they are going to!

It's as if he has memories of someone else's life, one that's not his own, but at the same time knowing it will be, and feeling as if those memories have already happened, but knowing that they haven't - not yet.

Memories of having experienced things he knows he hasn't.

...And it's driving Sam Winchester insane. Not counting the fact that the him from his memories already is.

18 hours ago

"For God's sakes the two of you, stop singing Britteny Spears."

Sam and Dean Winchester grinned and chuckled as their dad irritatedly turned the radio off and replaced the music with a rock cassette tape, which was kept among others by the front seat of the Impala, where their father was currently driving.

Dean turned his head to glance at Sam in the backseat, and the moment the brothers' eyes met the both of them broke into a hysterial laughter that soon turned into awkward breathless laughs trying to gasp in air. Sam's face was red and tears were starting to wet his eyelashes, he was clutching his stomach trying to take in a chunk of air but in every try, he would exhale another more painful laugh. Dean's wasn't too far different from his brother's. The laughs that currently filled the '67 Impala this Friday evening lasted about a minute before awkward chuckle-gasps replaced them, making the usually grumpy father smile at his boys' laughs and huff a laugh at the childiness and ridiculousness of the situation.

Not four minutes ago, the new Britteny Spears song that had been playing all month literally everwhere and been annoying the shit out of the none-chick-flicky Winchesters, had come on the radio on their way to the hunt of the week - Dean had started singing the song dramaticaly to make Sam laugh, and Sam soon joined in and during the entire song, the car was filled with terrible dramatic singing and crackling laughs that haven't stopped even after the song finshed and John chnaged the music.

The sun was still fully visible at the end of the horizon, and the wind that trasspassed the car through their open windows refreshed them enough to cool them but not freeze them - the weather was perfect this evening of May. Sam had turned 17 about two weeks ago, and even though the teen was usually a rebellious, stubborn, moody little shit with their father, he had actually been behaving and trying to keep everyone in a good mood lately, and was actually making an effort to not argue with their father so much.

But of course, good days and happy moods don't tend to last for Winchesters.

Right now, the small Winchester family was driving through a highway in West Carolina towards the woods at the edge of the state for their next hunt.

Witches this time. In the town the Winchesters had been stayin this past week there had been absurdly clear signs of witches living among them. The last clue had been when they had found hex-bags at the house of every victim. They had tracked down the witch and her house, and when John and Dean had broken in last night, they found out that she had left town earlier that day and was now staying at her family cabin in the middle of the woods at the edge of the state, even the co-ordinates had been placed in the notes she had left at the table of her living room.

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