𝟏𝟖 | 𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐓𝐢𝐞𝐬

Beginne am Anfang

His sleeves drift down to the inner elbow, scars marred across his olive skin. Arms toned from his work as a sword-smith, and my brow's pinch together in concern with his past wounds.

"......maybe make it so flexible, like a ribbon....." He continues to fantasise, mumbling to himself while I clear my throat to grasp his attention. Quickly he lifts his head up, "Sorry........just trying to find a way for you to manage longer in battle, to excel in battle against demons........but lately, there's been so much carnage. Missions continue to become higher, even Ubuyashiki family is concerned on another level...."


"We've been through this Hayami," he swats my head lightly, with his folded umbrella. With a small pout, he laughs to himself before lowering it and resumes drinking his tea. "I know formality is such a thing for our culture, but I'm grown past it when I'm familiar with people I've known for years....continue.."

Nodding with a sheepish frown, "Just habit.....anyway," lifting my gaze with a troubling sigh. "Has my brother said anything, when he visits you to your forge? Has been acting strange? Or has been very dismissive towards you...like no one matters but himse--?"

He raises his hand, "Hang on, hang on......Ryuji? You sure we're talking about the same person?" his lips curl into a thin line, before clearing his throat. "No, he's been his usual self......always cheery, accepting, laid-back and always for a good chat and laugh.......why?"

My heart sank in response, realising it must be my own imagination. Or rather, it was only directed towards me.

"No....reason, just worried like a sister should," Shrugging my shoulders, swirling my drink listening to the dry cicadas buzzing around in the humid air. Wanting shift the topic quickly by, "...Now about my blade, I'll give it some time to think about.....and I'll request an escort and see you next time. I'll analyse my strategy again in battle, and I'll keep note...."

Though I changed the topic quickly, it seems he didn't want to pry further. He understood when to leave it alone......and I respect that....

He went along and nods, "Right then, it's a deal......" confirming when we next meet, placing his cup down. He then grabs the hem of his Yukata, and pulls out a thin crisp white letter. Tapping it, he passes it to me. "....this is a letter, from the old man himself. Akihiro. Last you two met, seems like a year or two......."

Politely taking the letter in hand, I pull the letter from the thin bamboo paper and unfolded it.

Dearest Hayami

Hope you're doing well on your journey? I know I haven't had time to check on you, or even Ryuji as you've both gone seperate ways. Things like this do happen, but this time I want to reach out and make sure you're still alive and making me proud.....

I want to meet up with you, Hayami. Just you and me, as I felt like it's time to come clean about your family's history. I know an old man like me forgets sometimes, but right now I think you need to hear about how your family became about.....

Meet me two weeks after this month on the fourteenth, at noon...

There's a lot to discuss, and you deserve to know....

From Akihiro-Sensei


Lowering the letter I couldn't help but smile, while my fingers brushing over his neat character handwriting. "What day is it today again?" lifting my head up.

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