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Javon's POV:

Brandon and I are in the locker room quietly listening to coach. I guess there some drug allegations about the football players. So coach is having all the players tested. One by one so no one can switch urine or go to the store or something. I'm guessing their testing for steroids which I'm clear of.

I look over to Brandon and he looks worried. I don't think I have ever seen him even take a drug so what does he have to be worried about. I tapped his shoulder and said " You good bro?"

" Yeah I'm good, why would I have something to be worried about?" He says angrily

Brandon is about 5'8 Hispanic with long curly hair. He looks like he could sleep more and not only that for a football player he's pretty small.

"You look worried that's all just checking on you."

"I'm good man don't do too much. Coach is already mad about the rumor." He says rubbing his head.

"AYE do I hear voices NO ONE should even think about talking at a time like this. DO you all not understand how serious this is? I will not have drugged up players!" He roars.

I quickly shut my mouth looking at the others players seeing if anyone is going to snitch. No one says a word the room is just silent like a Library. Coach is just staring us down like we just murdered someone.

" Everyone does 30 suicides down the football field. Any half assed work will add 10 more suicides to that 30. Now if anyone speaks again they will be suspended of the team Javon!" He screams

I was so shocked my body jumped back at my name being called. Everyone turns to shake their heads at me. Brandon hits me in the arm for speaking. It was nothing to say I was going to confess, but I keep my mouth shut. I fear that if I speak coach will add more. After, he finished everyone is silent I bet that a couple of players will want to speak to me outside the locker room.


After ,the pain coach put me through I felt like someone put my legs in blender,Than every 30 seconds like they have pressed pulse. My body is throbbing, hopefully Paris can come over but knowing her she probably has a curfew. I wish she would've moved in with me unfortunately she wanted to join a sorority.

When,she joined Zeta Phi Beta (ZØB) I felt like I lost a part of her. She spends so much time alone now. When we first came I thought she and Sincere would hang more than we did. On the other hand I felt like she had a secret crush on him. I had to ask her out before he got to for sure.

Paris is a woman whose bold with intimidating features she makes an Influencer look average. She has long ginger hair she dyed it to fit her silky brown skin. Her body was curvy in the right ways with long legs that glow like butter. She was perfect I sometimes felt bad about the things I do behind her back.

I tried to stay the best man I could to her, but she started to act different, talk different, and walk different. It's just so different maybe we have grown apart. One thing I do know is I wouldn't want to see anyone with her. No one could be with her accept me, I'll make sure of it.


Paris's POV:

I was so happy at the moment with the information my sorority sisters had told me that I am to be the one organizing an important Alumni meeting that's going to be held in two weeks. The invites are already sent out. Supposedly they have some super important news I can't wait to hear it.

The Alumni are super important they help out with jobs after college and show us how to throw Important events. I couldn't wait to call my mom and tell the good news. My mother was big on important events. She'd probably ask for an invitation.

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