~!-Chapter 2-!~

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A/n: I'm writing this as I'm reading smut, that's so coquette isn't it.


Song above is an absolute banger,

Me and someone special sang this song last night,

Swearing of course,






Todays Chapter starts in school, Just a normal school day, starts off in English, first class of the day with my favorite teacher!! Like he's totally my favorite teacher! like definitely my favorite.





Josuke is in my English class, but ------- isn't I'm kind of mad about that but what can I do? Oh my god I really have it bad for -------, and it's embarrassing and I'm gonna stop talking about it because that shit head is talking to me.

"Yukina, I see you don't have you're homework for me today." That stupid skank Cuntstrong said to me, he should never talk to me ever again I need a cigarette.

"Oh, I'm so sorry sir! I left it at home...you know it's just so...so...so hard, my parent's always working and I always have to take care of my younger siblings..." I lied of course, but he's dumb enough to believe me.

"That's not going to cut it this time-" I ignored him, I should be listening to him of course, but Josuke was looking at me, or in my general direction doesn't matter let me live my laugh you're not my real mom anyways.

"Yukina are you even listening to me!?" He looked me dead in the eye, come on Yuki don't laugh you can't laugh, hahaha *cum* I laughed, laughed to hard.

"Miss Kira, what is so funny? I don't seem to simply understand..?" Oh my lord..


I got my ass landed in detention...unfortunately but at least I was there with Kuratta, she's awesome, my bestie for real, one problem though...she's crazy..

"Yuki, You've got to hear this!! so like last night I had a dream that I turned Jesus Muslim! And I also made him like one of those weirdos like from that band you listen to what's it called OH THE CURE!!" Kuratta is my best friend but she took it to far when she brought up the loves of my life.

"Kuratttaaaaa!!! You know how much I love the cureeee don't you dare call them weirdos or I'll cut you up!" I was obviously joking she's my bestie my pookie for real.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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Bord asf make a story never post it tho home girlWhere stories live. Discover now