chapter 5

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Grandma POV.

I was reading my book when I heard this knock on the door. So I got my gun and went toward the door my daughter was at work and I went through the magic door. And I look through the peep hole and it was them police and the girls father and I opened the door. And the police asked did I take them and the father wanted Hus kids and I was like sorry but they with they mama and we going to court and I slammed the door. And they left. That's I went back through the magic door and went to go look for my grandbabies.

Sierra POV

I went in the closet and I saw this secret door and it was like a hind out and I close the closet door. That's when I heard the room door open and I told Sarah to be quite and then the closet door open and then the hind out door open and we screamed but then soon realize it was my grandma and she was laughing like the shit was funny.
That's when we got out and she was telling me what happen she told Sarah to go play in her room. That's when we heard somebody come in but it was my mama so I guess grandma told her what happen. And my mama told me to come look out back and this mother brought me a car like yass bihh but it was just a KIA so was happy asf then I text camiya and told her and Lani too. Then they was like we should go to this party.

Camiya POV.

My best friend sierra called me saying she gotta new car and I was like yasss bihh so I was like when imma get a ride . and she was laughing that's when she called Lani on 3 way and that bihh was screaming when sierra told her. And she was like we should go to thus party tonight and I was like yass that's when she was like be ready at 7.
So I went down stairs to ask my mama and she was like I gotta be home by one and I was happy so it 5:30 so I took a shower and put my phone on the charger I had that iPhone 6 yass bih and I put on my black fited dress with some heals and my jewelry.

Lani POV.

I was telling my bestie about the party so they agreed so that's when I asked my auntie and she was being green asf but than she was like only of jason go and I was like cool ok. So I asked him and he was like hell yeah so I was happy. That's when I went in my room and put my phone on the charger and went to go take a shower. When I got out I put on my white fitted dress with some white and black heels with my jewelry set and I flat iron my hair

Sierra POV.

I went down stairs after I got off the phone with besties I asked my mama can I go to this party and she was like no and my grandma was like yes u can honey and I got happy and my mama said be home before 1:00 hits and I said yes ma'am. So I put my phone on the charger and went to take a shower when I got out I put on this pink fitted dress with some black wedges and I put my jewelry on and flat iron my curly hair and I was ready so I grab my purse and phone and keys and kiss my little sister goodnight. And told them I'll be back before one.
I went in front of lani house and I saw her and jason walking out and I was like wtf so then he was like pick kwon up and I was like I guess so lani got in the front and he sat his ass in the back that's when I picked up Camiya and she got in and said yass bihh then she said wait wtf is thus and he said sierra future and lani was like really bihh and I was dying laughing. Then we went to pick up that nigga kwon. That's when lani got in the back and Camiya got in the front and she was like i guess lani.
That's when lani and kwon was flirtin the whole ride thier. When we got their the girl was like heyy y'all and I was like hey I guess and we went in this house was bad asf bruh and it was hella cute guys. That's when we all was like yass. Lani and kwon started kissing then they disappear idek where and this guy ask me to dance and I said ok boy I twerking my ass off that's when Jason grab me lmaoo and started to dance and I was like lol jealous ass. Then we was chillen and he ask me out again and I said yass lol. That's when he got my Kik and then it was 12:30 I had to look for everybody and I found them bihh we started running because our ass couldn't be out the house no later than 1 so I was driving fast I drop camiya and kwon off it was almost 12:50 than bout time I got to lani house it was 12:56 they ranned in the house when I part the car it was 12:58 I was running and found my key and open the door and it was 1:00 am I made it bihh than I tanned up stairs took off my clothes then I hears foot steps and cut off my lights and got in the bed and fake sleep it was 1:30
I think my mom came in and gave me a kiss when she left out my phone kept buzzing and I was like wtf and I was in a Kik group with lani Camiya kwon jason and some other boy named mark. We was like we didn't get in trouble and we had fun and shitt.......

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