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Touya Todoroki had been dead for many years, and Dabi had planned to keep it that way, but it seemed as though the universe had a different plan.

It all started because Dabi made a stupid move - he got too close to the light and let the little horned girl see him, scaring her and causing a glow from her horn. Dabi hadn't been able to react in time, and neither had Eraserhead who stood behind the little girl.


Aizawa had turned his back for just a second, standing at a stall with Eri just behind him. The young girl had been glancing around when her eyes landed on something - no, someone - in the alleyway. The light only just hit his face, reflecting off of the silver staples keeping his deep purple skin together.

Eri's eyes widened, a yelp of fear leaving her lips as she felt a surge through her before a glow came from her horn. The energy hit objects around her, turning fruits back into seeds and the wooden tables of stalls into uneven pieces of wood, slowly turning more and more tree like - but the one important thing she had managed to hit was the man in the alleyway.

She saw the look on his face, the way his eyes widened and his mouth fell agape in a silent scream. She watched as he began to change, scars dissipating and his hair changing from black to white. Eri knew it was going to become worse, feeling tears prick at the corners of her eyes.

Then, all of a sudden, it all stopped.

The young girl started to shake, her head turned to look at the man she had grown to see as some sort of father. His hair floated upwards, his eyes unblinking. He finally allowed himself to blink, hair falling back around his face, as he swiftly kneeled beside Eri.

"What happened? Are you alright?" Aizawa questioned, his usual tired and monotone voice filled with a worried tone.

He had never seen her create so much power since the day they saved her.

Eri felt Aizawa gently take hold of her hand as she struggled to form her words. "There- there was a man.." Eri's voice trembled, her gaze turning back to the alleyway.

She had expected to see the man still standing there, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"He's gone-" Eri pointed towards where the man had been stood previously. "I- I made him disappear- He scared me and I- I-" She stumbled over her words, shaking and tear filled.

Aizawa looked towards the alleyway before looking back at Eri, pulling her into a hug. "It's okay, the man isn't gone, he'll be down the alleyway." He tried to comfort while shielding her from the eyes of the public.

Who was the man? Where had he gone? Aizawa had stopped Eri before she managed to turn the tables and fruits into nothing, so surely she hadn't managed to do too much damage to the man.


Dabi stumbled down the alleyway, a terrible feeling surrounding his body. He felt different, a tingly sensation going across his skin, from his head to his toes. He felt weak.

He collapsed against a wall right as he turned right down the alleyway, gasping for breath. Dabi knew what the girl was capable of, but he was unsure of what she had managed to do to him.

He allowed his blue eyes to slowly move their gaze towards his arms, feeling his breath quicken and his eyes widen as he was met with reddened skin instead of purple, the skin rough and blistering.

His mouth opened, something like a pathetic whimper leaving his throat. Touya was back, Dabi gone. The boy he had fought to bury had managed to dig himself up from the ground and forced his way back into life, all because that little girl.

Dabi began to shake, a surge of emotions he hadn't felt capable of feeling in years all of a sudden came rushing back. One of the most prominent things was the pain.

He could finally feel the pain.

He felt sick.

Dabi forced himself to stand from the wall, his legs struggling under him and his chest heaving. He raised a hand to his mouth, covering it as he felt himself tremble, forcing his legs to take one step after the other.

He managed to get half way down the alleyway before his legs finally gave out, causing him to fall to the ground. He felt the cold concrete and sharp glass against his burning skin. He turned his head to the side, catching a glimpse of his reflection in a broken piece of a mirror.

He could see the fresh looking burns, reddened and blistering. His electric blue eyes had more life to them, but they looked so incredibly dead.

A groan left his lips, his vision blurring. He felt sick. He felt tired.

Dabi's eyes slowly closed, as much as he tried to fight it, and he was welcomed into the dark.


It was a couple hours later, Aizawa had taken Eri back to UA and left to go find the man she had managed to reverse. The underground hero had no idea what to expect. Would he be finding a man? A child? A corpse? Nothing?

Aizawa hoped for the best, he had managed to stop Eri quickly before she did anything serious after all. Surely she couldn't change a grown man to nothing quicker than she could a fruit to a seed.

He began at the alleyway Eri had said the man had been, hoping that maybe a trail had been left.

Aizawa's footsteps echoed in the quiet alley, his eyes searching the ground and the walls for any signs of where the man could've gone. Eventually, he found himself at a crossroad within the alleyway. He looked down the left, seeing nothing but a dead-end. His eyes then trailed to the right, a sense of dread filling him when he spotted someone led on the ground.

The hero quickly moved forward, glass crunching under his shoes as he got to the unconscious man's side. He crouched down beside him and took in his appearance.

The man wore all black, a hoodie and some cargos with combat boots. His sleeves were rolled up, showing his reddened and blistering skin. Aizawa's eyes trailed to the man's face, taking in the appearance of his white, messy hair and his pained expression.

Aizawa slowly and gently rolled the man over onto his back, gritting his teeth as he brushed the glass off of the man's skin and clothes.

He paused for a moment, eyes wandering back to the man's face. There was something of a resemblance the man had to someone Aizawa knew. To two people that Aizawa knew.

His eyes widened. "Oh my god." The words left his throat, barely above a whisper.

Aizawa moved to check the man's pulse, grimacing as his fingers came into contact with the burned skin of the man's neck. A breath of relief left him, feeling a pulse.

Aizawa knew he had to get the man to a hospital, and fast.

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