Once they are done, I get my hair and makeup done. I always loved this part and it is so relaxing. The girls get into their dresses and then leave so I can put on mine. I love this dress so fucking much and I can't wait for Drew to see it.

My mom and Jodi help me and I finally get it on. I wait for all the girls to come in and see me. I see the door begin to open and I get excited. The door gets completely open and they shuffle in with their eyes closed. "Okkkk you can open your eyes now!" I say and they all shoot them open.

They all brighten up and compliment me a lot. I want to get emotional but I try to not cry so the makeup doesn't run. "You look absolutely beautiful, Aspen!" Athena says and she gives me a big hug. "I FUCKING LOVE THE DRESS BABE!!" Carly says and everyone laughs at her almost yelling.

The photographer takes so pictures and then I have Drew's niece come in. She is the flower girl and she look adorable. We get some pictures with her too.

getting married

Oh fuck! I am nervous.

Not about marrying Drew because I know I am making the right decisions, but just about not messing up. The girls start to go out and I get ready.

I see my dad and he starts to cry a bit. I tell him to stop because I will cry and I don't. what that yet. We hug and line up in front of the door. I take a deep breath and hear the music play. The doors open and we start to walk.

I immediately see Drew and it's like the world stops in that moment. He looks so handsome and I can't believe I will be seeing THAT for the rest of my life. I get teary eyed and as we go closer I can see he is crying.

He wipes his eyes but the tears keep coming. I squeeze my dad's arm as we get to the front. He lets me go and Drew takes my hand to help me up. "You're beautiful." He says in awe and I cry just a bit more. What if I kissed him right now? Would I get in trouble?

drew's pov:

The doors open and my whole world is standing so beautifully next to her dad. I immediately start to cry and I want to kiss her right here, right now.  I wipe my tears but they just keep coming. Her walk up here felt agonizingly long. I whisper, "You're beautiful." and that's the truth.

aspen's pov:

I restrain myself and we get to the vows. I start mine and I hype myself up.

"Ok, I'm going to try not to cry. Drew, I knew from the moment I saw you that I wanted to be with you. I know that sounds a little weird, but I had this feeling that you felt the same. When we went on our first date I knew that I was a goner. You knew my favorite things and I still don't know how! I love that you are the most genuine, kind, funny, and loving person I know. You are also the hottest person I know. I can't wait to be a family with you. I promise to love and to cherish you every single day. I promise to be by your side for and through everything. I promise to fight for you and if you get into a fight just know I will be in it too. I promise to be patient with you, kind to you, and forgiving. I promise to always support you in whatever you do—for the most part. I love you so much and when I say that, I mean it with the deepest parts of my heart." I cry a bit but I think he cries more.

I'm done when he starts speaking, though. "Aspen, the love of my life, the most beautiful woman in the world, and my whole world. You don't even know how in deep I was when I saw you for the first time. You were wearing a cute black top with jean shorts and your hair slicked back. You looked so amazing, but your personality was the thing that pulled me in completely. You are beautiful, caring, polite, hilarious, and so much more. I can't describe enough how I feel about you, so I will just say what I promise to you. I promise to love and hold you forever and ever. I promise to support you through all of the tough times and make sure you always feel good. I promise to be the best husband I can and that I say in all seriousness. I love you baby and I can't wait to be called your husband." I finish and Aspen is bawling at this point. Her makeup is actually still going strong.

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