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sunday, 07/09/23


@asparagus posted a new story, 07/09/23:

@asparagus posted a new story, 07/09/23:

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

seen by @fboycarl, @tea.girl, and 217 others
liked by @grant_meawish and 3 users

@studio.seven.designs posted a new story, 07/09/23:

seen by @aspenhale and 108k othersliked by @aspenhale and 47k users

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

seen by @aspenhale and 108k others
liked by @aspenhale and 47k users

friday, 07/14/23

Today is moving day! I have already packed up all my belongings and me and my parents are about to drive two separate cars to Drew's so I can get settled in. I am very sad that I will be leaving my parents, but I am so ready to move in with him!!

It will be hard to hide our relationship now, but we have started to not really care if it ends up getting out. I think it might be better if we can live normally without having to steer clear of paparazzi and can go out with each other whenever we want.

"I am gonna miss you so much darling." My mom says with teary eyes. I can't believe she is already crying.

1. We haven't even left yet

2. They aren't even leaving to go back home until tomorrow afternoon.

3. It's not like I am never going to see them again.

I give her a side hug and we hop into our cars. The drive is about 8 hours so we are leaving very early, 6:00 a.m. It's early to me, okay?

@aspenhale posted a new story, 07/14/23:

seen by @drewstarkey, @jackharlow, and 10

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

seen by @drewstarkey, @jackharlow, and 10.2 others
liked by @drewstarkey and 1.7 million users
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@user67 LA??

@user12 hopefully NY!!!!!(i live in NY)

@aspenbaby nooo i'm kinda sad you're moving😭but i'll say nyc

@user45 bruh if you are moving in with drew i will die🥹idk why i think you are but i have a hunch

@asplover hopefully somewhere warm🥰

4 hours later

@aspenhale posted a new story, 07/14/23

seen by @drewstarkey, @liliastone, and 5

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

seen by @drewstarkey, @liliastone, and 5.7 million others
liked by @drewstarkey


ugh. i can't wait to see you
only 4 more hours😭

yay! continue to drive safe🫶🏼

i will❤️also charlie is so excited to see you

bc i'm her favorite😌

she loves me


6 hours later

I'm not completely unpacked, but we did get a good amount done. Mom and Dad met Drew and they have already told me they love him. I knew they would though.

It is currently 4 p.m. and I was getting hungry. We all decided we wanted to get dinner so we just ordered some pizza and stayed in. After dinner, we continued talking and having fun.

They left around 10 and now Drew and I are watching tv while snuggling. This is the life. I could do this forever. I start to get sleepy and close my eyes.


I notice Aspen hasn't moved in a bit so I look down and see her sleeping with Charlie curled up next to her. I take a quick picture for memories and decide to turn off the tv and bring her to our room.

She barely moves as I carry her in and place her on the bed. Charlie quickly hops up into the bed too as I get in. I turn off the lights and go to bed, knowing Aspen being here is the best thing ever.

author's note:
they're so cute🥰
honestly thinking about writing another social media book but not sure who to do🤔
if you would like that, pls lmk who you would like to see!!! can be a real or fictional person😉
OH and i'm sorry if there will be some lengthy time jumps in the future, i just really wanna get to the interesting parts😭

lavender haze (drew starkey)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat