end scene (director's cut)

Start from the beginning

Y/N - Usually, I work with my other director and I would want him to accompany me with the help of said music video.

? - he specifically asked for you, we also prepared a large amount of money to support and try to win you over.

Y/N - very niche but, if I may ask? Who is the group I would direct the video for, I'll consider it if I know who I may be shooting for.

? - Aespa, I assume you know who they are?

My blood suddenly ran cold.

Even in the military, I kept track of the girls, and especially. Min-Jeong.

She has grown to be successful, a popular idol and still angelic as ever.

I hesitated, it would pain me to face her again after so long.

? - Mr L/N?

Y/N - ah sorry. I'll do it, you don't have to pay me. It's okay

? - but we insist mr-

Y/N - it's fine. What's the details? I assume you know I write all of my productions so do you need my assistance on that as well?

The person was speechless, taken aback by my sudden interest and answer.

? - If you could, please. We would really appreciate your help.

Y/N - no problem. Send me the rest via my receptionist.

? - thank you for your time Mr L/N, we really appreciate it for you to work with us.

Y/N - it's no problem on my end. I'll relay you back to my receptionist to exchange information

? - thank you.

Y/N - no. Thank you.

I relay the call back to my receptionist, putting down the phone. Kicking my feet back up on the desk, taking a deep breath while I looked at the ceiling.

My ears ringing to silence, trying to find a way on how I won't break down seeing her again.


A week later, I was in front of SM entertainment.

I walked in and greeted everyone and got my pass to go up to the room where the writers were.

I already sorted out the contract and what not to them a few days earlier, so I was purely in here just for work.

I told myself that it was purely professional. My personal life, my feelings will be set aside. Just this one time.

But if it meant to just see her. That's all it mattered.

I entered the writer's room and greeted everyone while I made my way to my seat.

I was surrounded by other writers while I sat in my seat, they were all SM staff and I was the only one from my company there. But it's better off to be honest.

Head writer - everyone, L/N Y/N is here. Can we give him an applause?

They all stood up, clapping their heads. My cheeks flushed from being shy since I still wasn't used to the fame

Y/N - thank you for having me, I'm honoured to work with you. All of you.

Head writer - it's a miracle you agreed with us. So thank you once again.

The door suddenly opens.

My god.

There she was.

All 4 of them walked towards me, I had completely flushed it out of my mind that there were 4 empty seats right beside me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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