.:First day:.

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Y/N is a normal girl living in a run down little town. And she absolutely hates it here. She would do anything to just move to a new city! A new town! Anything! So she got a job so she could finally get away from this living hell, she worked as a waitress at a low paying restaurant until...

Y/N POV: 07:45 AM

I was lounging around in my living room, watching some random channel that was on just waiting for work to begin at 8:30 AM.

As I suddenly hear my phone buzz from across the sofa as i let out a loud and annoyed sigh.

I got up from the sofa and stretched, hearing my bones crack slightly. I sigh once more and walk over to my phone grabbing it and unlocking it.

"Oh? What's this?" I say curiously looking at the email I had got from my manager.

"Maybe it's a raise... Or maybe a promotion...! Oh or maybe-" I stop in the middle of my sentence as my face goes pale.


Dear Y/N L/N.

You have been fired at your position at F/R (Favourite Restaurant) for not doing what the customers tell you.

As the customer commented you spoke to them in a rude tone. You said the following to multiple customers.

"I don't care that it's cool. That really isn't my business."

"I don't care! I only work here so i can get away so i don't give a shit if I get fired for being 'mean' or something"

"Ask someone else."

"UGH. what do you need."

We don't expect this type of language and/or rude tone to customers and/or other employees.

We wish you well on your journey of life.

Signed M/N M/L. (Managers Name, Managers Lastname.)

"FUCK SAKE!" I yell as i throw my phone to the floor. Hearing it crack a little in the process.

"GREAT! NOW I NEED A NEW JOB AND A NEW FUCKING PHONE LOVELY!" I scream into my hands for a short moment before picking up my phone, slowly turning it around looking at the cracked screen.

I sigh quietly and put my phone down on the sofa. 'at least it's not fully broken right?' I think before flopping down on the sofa watching the TV once more.

My thoughts slowly started to blur as I slowly fall asleep right there on the sofa, the TV blasting the random channel it was on.

~Time skip til that afternoon 7:32 PM~

I wake up to my phone ringing. 'ugh who is calling me right now?' I sigh loudly as I pick up my phone seeing it's my best friend (Madison) from work.

I quickly pick up the call putting the phone on speaker.

"HEY Y/N! WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU TODAY?!" Madison screams into the phone.

"Jesus relax-" I try speaking before she cuts me off again.

"RELAX?! NO! YOU LEFT ME ALONE WITH PERV MIKE!" She says as she makes a gagging noise.

(Mike is a guy at work who always flirts with every woman and sometimes slaps your ass while walking past, he might make some suggestive jokes here and there and it makes everyone feel uncomfortable.)


"OKAY! First of all calm your tits woman! I have a good fucking excuse." I say quite annoyed as i start explaining.

Little Nightmares. (SUN/MOON x FEM READER)Where stories live. Discover now