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Rain wakes up and Phayu is not there. Rain feels sick. He feels hot and dizzy. He craves Phayu blood. Rain doesn't know what to do. Rain grabs the pillow Phayu was leaning on next to him before he fell asleep and breathes in Phayu scent.

Phayu and Prapai walk in and smell a strawberry-like scent. It's sweet. They both walk towards the bed. The scent gets stronger every step they take.

Rain pulls phayu on the bed. Rain bites down on Phayu's neck. Phayu grons from Rain's sudden actions. Prapai smirks.

"Looks like you got a feisty one on your hands and I never thought I'd see you so compliant." Prapai says, chuckling.

Phayu throws a pillow at Prapai. " Get out" Phayu says

Prapai get serious."Don't you find it weird that he has such a strong pheromone? Fledgling usually stops releasing pheromones by the end of day one."

" I think he might be a hybrid" Phayu says

" Like the legends? Impossible" Prapai response

"Go get the doctor" Phayu tells Prapai

Prapai leaves to go get the doctor. And rain is still latched onto Phayu's neck. Phayu starts to feel faint. Rain notices and releases his fangs from Phayu's neck.

Tears fall from Rain's eyes. "I'm sorry" he pleads to Phayu.

"It's okay. I know you're not feeling well right now, rest until the doctor comes." Phayu response.

Phayu lays back and pulls rain to his chest to rest. Rain can't rest. He wants more blood. Phayu can tell it wasn't enough. Phayu bites his lip and draws blood. Phayu pulls rain to face. Rain sucks on phayu lips without using his fangs. Only a little bit of blood is spilling out but he loves it. Rain licks every last drop. Phayu feels the sensation all throughout his body and is obsessed.

Rain then leaves Phayu's mouth and licks his lips clean of phayu blood. Rain is completely satisfied. Phayu loved every second. It made Phayu realize how fragile rain is and that made him want to protect him and keep rain all to himself.

Prapai walks in with the doctor and phayu is eager to know what's wrong with rain.

Rain and Phayu are fangs deep in love Where stories live. Discover now