"No one- I have a boyfriend, I just wanna look good being back home, is that too much to ask?" Jesse says.

"A boyfriend who's all the way in Utah with his annoying as but, i wont ask who it is, since you wanna be so modest about it." Stacy mocks.

Leanne laughs looking back at the friend who was now on her phone smiling at the screen.

Before she could tell her anything her phone vibrates.

Smiling immediately she opens it expecting it to be a message from Jey, but it falter seeing the unknown written on the user.

Opening the message she reads.


Do you really think he wants you?
Think again.
He's just like the others. Using you like a pawn.

What the hell? Leanne thought. Just like the others? Using me? The questions swirled around her brain in confusion. Who the hell are the others and who is this person anyway.

Deciding not to answer she left the message on read and looked up out the window. They were nearing the hotel and were about to turn in.

"You ok?" Stacy asks, seeing the perplexed look on her face.

"Yeah, some creep just messaged me though." Leanne opens the phone showing her.

"Who the hell is he?" Stacy asks.

"I don't know? They said he's using me, the only 'he' I'm involved with is Jey." Leanne replies.

"Yeah but, Jey would never use you, Annie, this is probably some crazy obsessed fan trying to scare you." Stacy tells her.

"It would make sense your first storyline with some kind of flirty delivery has been with Jey, someone could probably just be jealous." Jesse who started listening when Stacy asked Leanne if she was OK, cuts in.

"This is just some huge fan boy in his basement in Louisiana with nothing else to do. Trust me I get them all the time, you got nothing to worry about." Stacy tells her easing her mind slightly.

"I gotta change my number though." Leanne comments.

"Yeah, next thing he tracks you down and tries to kill you, you know, or maybe its him." Jesse says.

Now being parked the pair in the front seat look back at her with cut eyes. "Not funny."

"I know, I wasn't trying to be." Jesse states.

Panic flashes in the women's champion's eyes as she looks back at Jesse. "But she isn't being serious, no one is gonna kill you. Just change your number and move on, you're safe now. You've been safe for years." Stacy says reassuring Leanne and glaring at Jesse.

Sighing heavily Leanne nods, "you're right, I am safe."

"Yeah, and you'd be even safer if you were with him too." Stacy points out the window.

Looking out they saw Jey, Cody and Jimmy walking to the building, Jimmy on the phone and Jey and Cody laughing about something. A smile forms onto Leanne's face while warmth filled her chest. Stacy was right, she was safe here, with her bestfriends but she would be safer with him. Lord knows everything she's been though, but her recent time with Jey have proven yet again there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐄 -JEY USODonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora