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The crowd cheers seeing Jey onscreen, walking down the hallway dressed in all black.

"Yo Jey." The man hears, looking to the side Cody walks up to him.

"What's up man." The Uso daps up the 'American Nightmare'.

"I wanna talk to you about last week." Cody starts.

"Talk to me." Jey replies.

"Are you sure about this whole Leanne thing?" Cody asks.

"What chu mean?" Jey replies questioning.

"You know how she rolls man, it's her and her girls, I know they're in jail but can we trust her? Do you trust her?" Cody replies asking.

"I'm gonna be honest Uce, I don't know, we talk sometimes but I can't tell you if she's with us." Jey answers shaking his head.

"Well do you trust her?" Cody asks.

Jey was hesitant with his answer, not knowing if he should or not. This pause causes a stir from the crowd, shaking his head he answers, "I do."

The answer makes the crowd cheers and Cody nods his head at his friend. "I trust you, ok and I just hope you're right about her."

With that Cody walks away leaving Jey in silence.

"Me too." The Samoan utters.


"Good work guys." Jey nods at the producers walking away from the set.

Walking with Cody down the hall to catering, Jey had been thinking about Leanne all night.

He hadn't seen her at all and since pictures from last night was posted to Twitter he hadn't heard from her either.

The last time they texted she once again reminded him off work which made him paranoid now because of said pictures.

In all honestly he didn't even know how to feel about the pictures either, last night it felt like they were in their own little world. There wasn't any back and forth, no co-worker relationship or the guys reminding him of the bet every five minutes.

It was him and Leanne.

Jey couldn't help but smile at that thought, last night he actually got to see the side of Leanne that Stacy and Jesse saw, the goofy, laughing, joyous side. He liked that she felt comfortable with him in those moments and now because of the pictures he was scared she'd revert back to how she was when they started off the storyline. Professional onscreen, avoidant off screen.

"You're so quiet man, what's on your mind." Cody asks breaking the silence.

"Nothing just work stuff I guess." Jey replies briefly.

"And by work stuff you mean Leanne." Cody raises an eyebrow at him.

Jey's silence was all the second generation superstar needed to know the answer.

𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐄 -JEY USOWhere stories live. Discover now