
169 19 31

a/n: sorry for the sporadic updates, work is a bitch</3 send prompts!!


And then you're having breakfast with a god.

Every mouthful looks like it costs him a whole world of pain, and that's before he even starts chewing. You eat your toast as quickly and quietly as possible, trying not to stare at him. He manages one slice of toast before pushing the plate away, looking nauseated.

Thinking of something to say is impossible. But there's one question that you just have to have answered.

'Loki,' you say simply, and the way his eyes dart to your face is enough to confirm your suspicions. 'You're Loki. Right?'

'How did you know?' he asks, his voice completely flat, without intonation or effect.

'I–' you begin, unsure whether or not to tell him that one of his brothers is one of your closest friends. You cast about for an answer for a few seconds, before giving up and closing your mouth. He just watches you, his eyes terrifyingly cold.

'Fine. Answer another question. How were you not instantly killed last night by the Hunters? They were all trained killers.'

'I, uh–'

'Odin's beard,' Loki mutters, casting his gaze upwards.

'Look, just let me think for a second. This is all happening very quickly,' you counter, pressing your palms into your eyes.

'They're not exactly difficult questions.'

'I know, but...'

'Answer them then.'

'It's not that simple–'

'Seems like it.'

'Fine. I know your brother, Thor. And I have magic. Anything else?'

Loki's previously expressionless eyes flash briefly. 'What kind of magic?'

'What's that supposed to mean?'

'Gods, you are clueless.'

'Hey,' you say forcefully. 'I saved your life last night.'

'I would have been fine,' Loki says.

'I'm beginning to think I would have been better off leaving well alone and seeing if that would have been the case,' you snap. He just watches you some more.

'How do you know my brother?'

'We work together.'

Loki scoffs, shifting slightly in his chair. 'Of course Thor would team up with mortals.'

'It seems to me he's cleverer than you. As far as I know he wasn't about to be killed in any alleyways last night,' you tell him, a sudden spike of fear shooting through you at the thought. No, Thor would be okay.

'I assume he doesn't know I'm here.'

'No,' you confirm, before wondering whether you should be slightly less upfront with the god of mischief. What else had he been the god of? Oh yes, trickery. He watches you with disdain as you sip your cup of coffee with shaking hands.

'You should eat some more. You're recovering from some pretty serious injuries.'

'I'd rather go through last night again than eat any more of that tasteless, foul...'

'Okay!' you cut him off, massaging your temples. What the hell are you going to do?

'Reduced to this. Again,' Loki mutters, glaring at the remnants of his piece of toast as if they'd personally wronged him.

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