New life abroad

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It was a difficult decision... To leave for another country, and, moreover, having passed the Unified State Examination in such a way that there would be enough points to enter Moscow. Considering all I know about this country is that the word "bitch" has a different meaning in Japanese than it does in Almighty. Well, I also know that the capital is Tokyo, that the weather in Hokkaido is similar to ours, and that it’s quite warm in Honshu, that Japan is the country that created anime (from which I learned a lot of knowledge)... In fact, I don’t know much I know, but, firstly: only a fool would say that he knows everything, and secondly: all this can be found out quite easily if you surf the Internet for a couple of days and read about the Land of the Rising Sun. In fact, I wanted to show my family in this way that I can live independently, that I am responsible. Perhaps this is quite radical, but this was my decision and I did not want to deviate from it. Besides, remembering the movie “Fast Triple Furious,” I was inspired. Who knows what might happen. In any case, leaving my comfort zone should invigorate me and change me. Since my birthday was in winter, I will study with my peers. But first I need to learn Japanese. I will live in my Aunt Lena's second apartment. She is 10 years older than me, so I calmly called her by name when she came to us. But it’s one thing in Russia, but it’s a different country. Although, I have no reason to worry, after all, this is my kind Lena.
And here is the landing announcement. Tokyo at night was beautiful. I have always liked the lights of cities at night.When I came to Moscow, St. Petersburg or Kazan, I loved to look at the burning shop windows, the light from the headlights... But here everything was different, more exaggerated, I would say. The TV tower definitely stood out, but the city itself was beautiful. It felt like I was touching the pinnacle of human progress. Once such cities were Rome, Paris, London, Vienna. But that's all in the past.
I've always loved history, right from the beginning. Marcus Aurelius, Constantine I, Charlemagne, Oliver Cromwell, Napoleon, Alexander III... I read with rapture about all these heroes of the past, leaving reality, transporting to Ancient Rome, Byzantium, which is usually called that way, although it was Rome with that the same Senate and the same culture, transferred to medieval France, Germany, England. And, of course, I also knew our Russia quite well. But with Asia it was more difficult. China had many dynasties, the last of which was the Manchu, India had a caste system, and Japan had the shogunate. But now I obviously have to take this more seriously. But this is only in winter. In the meantime, I need to learn Japanese...
I wouldn’t say that I have a technical mindset, but it will still be difficult to learn a language that doesn’t have a single letter, but I wasn’t looking for easy ways. I have a goal, which I am Mikhail Viktorovich Krasnov, although now I need to be called Mikhairu Kurasunofu. Yes, I went to the translator. This may not be the right option, but for now I will use this name. At least Lena said that the name was chosen correctly. So, I’ll ask the locals to call themselves that so that they can get used to it faster.Misha, Mishka, Mishanya, Michel, Michael, Red... They called me different things over these 17 years. Plus one to this list.
And so we sat down. I decided to wait until most of the passengers got off the plane so as not to be trampled. A middle-aged Russian man was sitting next to me. He was one of the first to run out, I assume that he ran to the store to buy alcohol, because he called his friend and asked something about beer. I hope Lena will have something to drink. In Tula, I loved to drink and smoke with classmates, in secret from my family, somewhere behind the garages. Actually, at this stall I bought 2 packs of cigarettes to take with me. We knew how to circumvent the law. But most of all I loved to go out late at night, turn on music, something like Kino, NoiZe MC, Metallica, light a cigarette and just hang around the city. But what do teenagers in Japan listen to? How do they spend their free time? And, if in our country, with my tastes, I was 10-15 years behind modern trends among schoolchildren, then can I fit into society here? I still have to answer these and many other questions. In the meantime, you can already get off; most of the people have already left the plane. I walked up to the waiting room and called Lena. She's late. “It’s so good that she didn’t have time to change during the years she spent in Japan... A small piece of stability never hurts.” - I thought and went in search of the nearest smoking place. Meeting”... Now I won’t be able to smoke you for a long time...” - I said to myself. “Is the Universe Infinite?” playing in the headphones. At the last chorus she was interrupted - a call from Lena.
“Michael, I’m already approaching the exit. I’ll be there in a couple of minutes, you can come to the entrance.” - she said enthusiastically.
"Okay, I'm running." - I said while exhaling.
Hello Japan!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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