6 - 𝘖𝘭𝘷𝘪𝘥𝘢𝘥𝘰 🕷

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Your POV

Peter 1 lands near him. "Strange, wait, we're so close-!"

"Skip it! I've been dangling over the Grand Canyon for twelve hours!" Doctor Strange grumbled.

"I know, I know, I, uh, um, uh..." Peter 1 stammered. You facepalm and really hope Doctor Strange wouldn't turn to you. "I-I'm sorry about that, sir, I mean..."

Peter 2 and 3 walked up with glares on their face, which startled you.

"You went to the Grand Canyon?!" Peter 2 exclaimed.

"They could've used your help!" Peter 3 gestures furiously to yours and Peter 1's direction.

"Oh, no, no, it's okay-"

"Uh yeah- These are our new friends-"

"-This is Peter Parker-" You point to Peter 2.

"-this is Peter Parker, Spider-Man, Spider-Man, they're mes from other universes, they're here to help." Peter 1 finished, still tripping over his words.

Doctor Strange shook his head, confused. "No, no."

"This is the wizard I was telling you about." Peter 1 said to the other Peters.

"Look, I am really impressed that you've managed to give them all a second chance, kids. But this has to end, now." Doctor Strange replied. Damn, he looked so done with life.

Peter 2's face suddenly changes into a look of dread. A voice appeared out of nowhere.

"Can the Spider-Man come out to play?"

You re-retract your mask back on and look around the skies for the pestilential Green Goblin.


He flew in so suddenly all you could see was a glimpse of green and a swarm of bat-looking pumpkin bombs. Doc Ock crushes a couple of them with his tentacles.

The glider swoops in and the Green Goblin kidnapped the Machina de Kadavus from Strange in the chaos of the pumpkin bombs. You shoot a web at the box while Octavius grabs the glider with a tentacle.

You tried to take the box back, but the Goblin wouldn't let go. Strange conjures a magic lasso, which wraps around the box, and you both pull it back.

Osborn severs the tentacle with a blade and flies into the clouds, disappearing.

You feel another jerk of the spidey-sense and look down at the box in your hands. Strange suddenly takes it, but you notice the pumpkin bomb lodged inside.

"STRANGE, NO!" The three Peters shouted before it exploded.

You get blasted back and your head hit the wall. Boom, you blacked out.


A cold wetness was what made you jump up to consciousness. With an unveiling headache, you stand up in time to see Peter 1 and the Goblin tumbling right onto the underside of the shield, where you stood. The shield was half-slipped off of the land, a little bit of it in the water.

Peter stands up in a three-point landing, glaring angrily at the Green Goblin. You shake your head and realise what was about to happen.

"Peter, wait!" You raise your voice, forcing the headache to deepen. He didn't look at you, and the Goblin merely side-eyed.

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