Part 1: The Gloomy Villain

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The lone hero before who saves his own kind, is now a villain today

Saitama who is kind, calm and bored before, is now cold, careless and expressionless guy today.

The world who doesn't know the caped baldy, made the big mistake of judging the book by its cover.

And in result, the invincible hero turned against the world.

And this invincible caped baldy, who was convinced to defy the world by the unknown enigmatic voice, is now turning a villain that everyone will know soon.

Saitama was judged as a nobody by the people, but once he start his work as a villain, the world will know his power.

Saitama who wears his usual heroic attire, stare at the raining skies, the raindrops falling at his cheek as his expression is lifeless.

He walk outside the cities, he walk at the crowds with his depressed yet cold face.

He overthink what will he get in return if he become a villain

Saitama: "No one knows who I am if I save them, I wonder if they will know if I cause a destruction..."

Saitama wipes himself as he walk at the busy streets, cramped by people walking side by side, he start to think what would be his first move.

Saitama doesn't show any emotion, maybe he lacks one?

Saitama doesn't care a bit about his emotion, as long as he is satisfied what he can do.

All he wants, is recognition and acknowledgement.

But this is the ALTERNATE TIMELINE, perhaps he needed it because that was his desire?

Saitama was not in himself, his eyes filled with darkness and hatred, he made his final decision.

At the busy streets in the B-City, he suddenly put his right fist at the ground, sunk it before he start to vibrate his own fist.

The vibrated fist slowly form a weak quake, until it suddenly become so strong it causes a strong earthquake.

The strong earthquake made the people panick, the building collapses and the skyscrapers where falling apart.

As if this was the most devastating earthquake ever recorded.

And then someone shouted at the cold Saitama

???: "You! Stop it!"

It was a voice of a young hero with a lightning mark on his cheek, staring at the cold Saitama with a serious look, the young man then says in curious tone

???: "Are you the one who caused chaos here!?"

Saitama heard the young man calling him, he looks with lifeless eyes to the young man while saying in cold tone

Saitama: "yes I am, do you want to stop me?"

Hearing the panick noises of the crowd as the earthquake continues to rumble, the young hero wearing a sleeveless outfit while going  battle stance, the hero gulps while saying in nervous tone

???: "Surrender yourself or else!"

Saitama looks at him calmly while his eyes are lifeless, he doesn't care a bit about his safety if he die or not, but he is curious of his response as he asked the young man in cold tone

Saitama: "do you know me? Do you see me saving people before?"

The young hero who was on battle stance was confused of Saitama's question, he shake his head while keeping up guard and answers the cold caped baldy in threatening tone

???: "haven't heard of you, but even so, you committed an unforgivable crime which is causing chaos to the cities! Surrender yourself and turned yourself in!"

As the earthquake continues to rumble causing continues destruction to the cities, Saitama in cold look says

Saitama: "why should I turn myself in? If you want to stop me, come and try to fight back so you can have your credit"

Saitama's face turned dark, his eyes lifeless and his expression remains cold and expressionless.

This made the young hero let out a nervous gasp, stepping back from the caped baldy while hesitating to dash forward.

Back to Saitama, the enigmatic voice speaks in his thoughts in a cheering tone

The Voice (???) : "That's right my child, don't let the others take control of your ego, do what you can do, I believe what you did is right and is a must!"

Saitama was just staring blankly but cold, he listens to the enigmatic voice.

He looks at the scared young hero with a lifeless look, he decide to finish the young hero off by moving at inhuman speed as if blinking infront of him in a time stop, Saitama's fist was lunged forward across the young hero's face.

As it was about to hit, he stops his motion as he thinks about the consequences

Saitama: "killing them won't do any good...they won't spread the news about my existence"

The Voice (???): "What does that matter my child? You are now wrecking chaos across the cities with just a glimpse of your strength, but your point is exactly correct, killing them won't do any good news, why not spare them and let him share his near death experience to other heroes so you will be known as fast as the spreading disease?"

Saitama considers the enigmatic voice's suggestion and instead knocked the young hero out with a holding back punch. The young hero was sent flying crashing in the building with a beaten up face.

The earthquake stops as Saitama conceded vibrating his fist, he leaps off in the scene to flee as he can see the cities are already devastated with many civilians crying and injured.

As he leap away, many civilians were buried from rubbles after the disaster, some were sent to hospital, some were fatally injured, some kids crying for their injured parents but all of it, Saitama doesn't feel any regrets as he remain cold and expressionless.

The miracle thing is, no one ever died from the most powerful earthquake of the history around the B-City. The city was already in ruins and construction is not possible unless the entire city is cleaned up.

???: "I made it possible that no one will die after your first villainous work, be grateful because I am on your side fufu~"

Saitama with a cold expressionless face answers the enigmatic voice talking to his head.

Saitama: "then thanks for helping me out..."

Saitama remains expressionless and cold, he went back to his own apartment in the Z-City to see the news about what the media can offer.


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