𝟑𝟕, 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐉𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐲

Start from the beginning

Delilah offered to help but he shut down the offer. She grabbed a couple of blankets and the remote and scrolled through a few streaming services attempting to find a movie to watch. Luke came back and sat down next to her.

"Find a movie?" He asked as she shook her head and looked at the array of movies. She clicked on 10 Things I Hate About You which Luke protested. "No we watched a stupid scary movie yesterday!" She defended as he let out a sigh. She gave him her best pleading eyes and her lips turned down into a pout. Which he when she did that it was guaranteed yes.

"Fine" he gave in as she smiled triumphantly and started the movie. She curled into his side and he had his arm securely wrapped around her and she smiled contently. Her head looked up from his chest up to him as he placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

He asked Delilah a question a while into the movie. With receiving silence he peeked around and saw her sound asleep. He lips turned up into a small smile and kissed her head. Her head rested on his chest, and her arm draped around his waist, the other tucked under her

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The next day Luke had wanted to show Delilah around a few parts of Jersey since shes really never gotten the full experience. He had a early morning practice and was done for the day to the timing was great.

He wanted to show her a couple restaurants that he and jack always went to. And to a bookstore that he thought of Delilah as soon as he stepped foot in there. As the trudged down the streets of Newark with hands entwined, the chilly Jersey air whipped them in the face.

It was around noon as she walked down the aisles of different genres of books. She grabbed a few she liked and turned to Luke with a bright smile. He gave her a look with a smile on his face as she went up on her toes placing a kiss on his lips. "Im a broke college student" she frowned looking back in his eyes as he laughed. "I need them to study" motioned to the obvious not textbooks. He chuckled shaking his head.

"Mhm sure" he replied as she smiled and his arm wrapped around her waist. They made their way to the checkout and thanked the cashier. "I love youuu" she looked up to Luke as he kissed her head. "I love you too" he replied back to her and held the door open for her, and a older couple leaving the book store as well.

They then got lunch at a taco place that Luke said was amazing. Which he was right and it was in fact quite delicious. She took notice of a record store and dragged Luke in there which he complied going in. Which shocked her because usually hes more bored in there than the bookstore.

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