Chapter 3

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On the way to the hideout, Feitan was holding on for dear life. Hisoka rolled the windows of the car down. Unbeknownst to them, Shalnark had quickly been sucked out the window because he wasn't wearing his seatbelt. He flew down the highway, landing in a bush. The cops had found him again, soon after, and brought him back to a different jail.

Hisoka continued driving until they arrived back at the church. By this time, Chrollo and the others were back from their mission.

They got out of the car, but soon noticed that Shalnark wasn't following them. Maybe he'd gotten a concussion and passed out?

Feitan shook his head, going back to the car and peering into the back window.

"Hey, Hisoka," he said, looking towards the magician. "Shalnark was back here when we left, right?"

Hisoka turned around and jogged to Feitan, looking in the window himself.

"Ah. Maybe he. Jumped out?" he said, laughing nervously.

Feitan would have hit him upside the head if he could reach that high.

"He didn't jump out, he probably fell out because you insisted on opening the dang windows!"

"The breeze felt nice on my face," Hisoka explained, backing away.

Feitan was really angry now! He had to stop to take a few deep breaths to calm himself down before continuing.

"Okay, whatever. Let's just go find him again."

The pair got back in the car and was about to take off when the back door suddenly opened again. Phinks sat down in the seat and shut the door.

"Hey," he said.

"Why are you here?" Feitan asked, turning around in his seat.

"Boss wanted me to come with you guys to make sure you don't fuck anything up. Again."

Hisoka and Feitan exchanged worried glances.

"He's really pissed at you guys," Phinks added. Hisoka floored the gas and they shot out of the parking lot.


When they had managed to successfully rescue Shalnark from jail again, they made sure to buckle his seatbelt. Feitan rolled up the windows before another disaster happened.

"So, Shaknark," Phinks started, crossing his arms. "Plan on telling us what you even did to get put in jail?"

Shalnark shook his head, mimicking Phinks' arm crossing. "That's none of your business!"

"Yes it is! We're the ones having to break you out all the time!" Phinks was getting upset.

"The second time was not my fault!" Shalnark protested. He hadn't asked to be flung out the window of a moving vehicle at high speed.

Phinks huffed and looked out the window, muttering obscenities to himself.

Shalnark goes to jailWhere stories live. Discover now