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"Just do a spin, Tara."

"Sorry coach."

"Don't be sorry, just fix it."

Skating University Of Kentucky was hard since my coach was a French woman whose accent was super hard to understand as she got angry.

"Yeah, come on Tara. Just do a spin."

That fucking hockey team. I hated all of them. Well almost all of them. They were just a bunch of frat boys who happen to be good at something other than drinking.

I was dating one of them. Grayson Daniels, but he wasn't like the rest of them. The worst one of all was Asher Tipton. He had it out for me, I swear.

"Fuck off, Tipton."

"Language Tara! Ignore them."

I had finished my routine as skated to the exit. The hockey team was blocking the way. I pushed through them and got to the bench to see someone sit next to me.


I looked up to see Grayson.

"Oh hey Gray." He kissed my cheek.

"You doing anything around 8 p.m?"

"Probably not."

"Good. I'll be at your dorm at 7:45."

Asher had come over.

"Come on dude."

"Fuck off, Asher. Don't you have better things to do?"

"Nothing better than pissing you off Tara. It's great."

I rolled my eyes and put my converse back on.

"Get your friend."

Grayson had chuckled and kissed me before grabbing his hockey stick. Leaving me and Asher alone.

"Don't say a thing."

"I'm just watching it burn. Every single part of your relationship."

"Why are you so stuck on my relationship failing?"

"Cause I'm not stupid."

"Please, flatter me."

"I would but I have to go to practice."

I grabbed my bag and rolled my eyes.

"Watch it burn, Tara. All of it."

I flipped him off and left the rink.

Grayson skated over to Asher.

"You didn't tell her, did you?"

"Nah, but you probably should."

• ~ • ~ •

I had gotten back to my dorm and changed into something a little more casual instead of practice wear. My roommate Kayla still had her face in a book per usual.

"I hate Asher so much."

Kayla put her bookmark in her book.

"He's a dick just like the rest of the team. I still think Grayson is the exact same."

"Grayson isn't like that. He's not cheating on me like the rest of the team has done to their girlfriends."

"But you know who hasn't had a girlfriend yet here at all? Asher."

"I don't know what weird fantasy you have of me and Asher dating, but it will never happen."

"You guys are literally the book romance everyone wants."

"Never. Never ever." I said grabbed a bowl of chips from the cupboard.

"Whatever you say. Ooo! Let me have one!"

• ~ • ~ •

It was 7:00 when I got a text from Grayson.

Gray ❤️

Can we put a rain check on tonight?
Seems we have hockey stuff tonight.

That's fine. Kayla wanted to have a movie night tonight anyway.

Thank you
Love you.

Love you too .

Grayson was known for canceling plans last minute. I knocked on Kayla's door.

"Hey Kay. Are you doing anything tonight?"

Kayla walked out in a dress I've never seen before.

"Sorry Tar, I've got plans tonight. I'm going to a party."

"You? You're going to a party?"

"Mhm. I got invited. I'm surprised you're not going. The whole hockey team got invited with allowed plus ones. A little fishy Grayson didn't invite you.."

"No. He said he had hockey stuff.. wait."


I got a text from an unknown number.


Hey Tara it's Asher

How did you get my number?

Don't worry about it. Are you coming
to the party tonight?

I wasn't invited. Is Gray going?

Since when does Gray miss
parties? Is he not bringing

No? Why? Is bringing someone else?

Come as my guest. There's
something you might wanna see.

I turned to Kayla.

"Looks like I'm going to the party."

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