chapter 0-1 -Chaos In the Deep-

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"Fujimaru-san? Can I take you for a moment?"

A researcher that the orange haired girl barely knew, as she started to work here as a errand girl, in Herta's space station.

It's quite a boring job for the last master of humanity who came from Earth. She didn't complain, as it was a minimal thing to do.

And it's peaceful, that's a plus.

"Yes? What is it?" Ritsuka questioned.

The little boy with an astronaut suit who's been with her since the beginning, observed the man filled with curiosity as he held a package.

"Will you bring this to the Storage room for my behalf? I don't have time to do this because my colleague and I need to work on our project. Also, be careful not to break the object." He explained her and hand it over to Ritsuka.

"Certainly." Nodded Ritsuka with a smile as the researcher went back to his workplace.

She watched him as his colleagues came over and talked to him about something that she never understood from the long distance.

Ritsuka sighed and put a smile on to her companion next to her.

"Shall we get going, Voyager?"

The boy nodded and returned a smile that radiated like the sun.

"Of course, Master."

As they went on their way to the elevator, they passed two guests who visited the space station from time to time.

Those were the members of the Astral Express.

"Say, Master... Today, we will join them, right?"

Voyager looked up to her with his side eyes, it's burning with curiosity to get the answer from his Master.

"Yes, we are." Ritsuka replied, she tucked her hair behind her ears. "But let's get this package down to the Storage room first."

She pushed the button with her ring finger, near at the elevator. It didn't take so long, as the door opened and they stepped in as it closed again.

A pink-haired girl from the Astral Express watched them from afar.

"Who are these two that are leaving just now?" She asked bluntly to the lead astronomer. The black haired boy next to her just shook his head.

"Don't you think that is quite rude to ask, March 7th?"

March 7th just looked at him annoyed, "I know, but I'm just curious. We have never seen someone like them here before and they didn't wear staff uniforms like the rest here." She argued with him.

"We don't pry in other people's business, March 7th."

He crossed his arms while March 7th glared at him. The lead astronomer interfered with their little quarrel as she stood in the middle between them.

"Come on, you two. This is something you don't need to fight for a little thing." The lead astronomer turned towards the pink haired girl. "And to answer your question, They are the new
members who just joined recently. The orange haired girl is Fujimaru Ritsuka and the little boy wearing an astronaut suit is her companion, Voyager. They both worked around as couriers over a week here."

"Is that so?" Mused March 7th, "In what planet are they coming from?"

"March 7th..."

"Oh, hush! Dan Heng! We don't need to get serious on everything! You do have to lose up a bit." She playfully hit his shoulder.

Dan Heng sighed his breath out in defeat and decided to remain silent for this conversation. The lead astronomer gave him an assuring gesture.

"From what I heard from Ritsuka and Voyager, they came from a planet called..."

She got interrupted when the alarm went off as the whole station began to shake.

The inhabitants immediately panicked and they all ran in different directions.

All you can hear are the screaming from them.

"What is that!?" Someone pointed out when the void spheres appeared in their facility and the people got away with it as the Antimatter Legion are in front of them.

"Lead the evacuation, quickly!" The lead astronomer commands them as she shows a way out, while the security guard and the members of the Astral Express make a way for them as they fight the legion back.

"Fujimaru Ritsuka is still in the storage room!" A random researcher yelled at them, it's the one who requested her to go to the Storage room.

The head of the security department groaned and ordered the Astral Express Members.

"Ugh... Go! I will take this from here!... Make sure that Fujimaru is safe!"


I will end this Chapter today, I know I wrote that I would finish in a week but my final exam will be coming up soon in late May or early June. So, I want to be prepared for this rather than regret it.

I was hoping to write up to 1500 words but it is now in 700 somewhat.

Hope you guys don't mind it that I make the chapters close to 1000 words.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: 4 days ago ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

From the Last Master of Humanity to Namelessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें