She went on instagram seeing wwe posts about Jey and Cody. Feeling giddy about the man she decided to make a fun post about him, laughing quietly as she presses post and tagging him. 

Suddenly hands covered her eyes as a familiar voice talks in her ear, "guess who's back, back again, Stacy's back. Tell a friend."

Laughing she gets up out her seat making Stacy move her hands away, "you're back!" Cheering she hugs one half of the Garcia sisters.

"I missed you guys so much!" Smiling brightly she laughs pulling Jesse into the hug.

"We missed you too girl!" Jesse tells her with a smile.

"When did you guys fly in?" Leanne asks.

"Little over an hour ago, Hunter wanted us here immediately to get back on TV." Jesse explains.

"How's that angle going by the way, the 'Twisted Sisters' have been dominant while you guys were gone by the way so get on that." Leanne advises.

"Oh trust me we are gonna put an end to the reign of terror they got." Jesse replies.

"We gon kick ass! But enough of us, I wanna know everything that happened the last few weeks." Stacy says speaking in a quiet tone and inquiring voice.

"Alright, alright, so..." The trio sat down huddling close together as Leanne gave them the run down on everything that was going between her and Jey.

           "So why we here man?" Seth asks sitting down on the bench in the men's lockeroom.

"I'm just gonna spit it out, I'm backing out the bet." Jey tells them.

"HA! I knew he'd lose!" AJ cheers.

"No, wait, you said backing out, why?" Randy asks.

"Well actually I'm not exactly losing but it's getting serious between Leanne and I and I don't want this bet hanging over me and ultimately be a reason why I'm getting with her." Jey confesses.

"Isn't the bet the reason you're getting with her though?" Matt asks.

"At first yeah but now, I'm starting to really like her and I think she is starting to like me a lot too so I don't wanna risk butchering it you know." Jey admits.

"Alright, but how have you 'not lost'?" Montez asks.

"Well, for the last few days I've been with her." Jey answers.

"What do you mean?" Seth asks.

"Well I took her on a date last Wednesday." As he said this the group started cheering making him break into a smile despite how tense he felt.

"And for the rest of the week I've just been hanging out with her." He adds.

"Oh so you blew off my zumba class for Leanne." Seth deadpans.

"Dude, it's zumba..." Jey replies making them laugh.

"Since when you do zumba anyway?" Randy looks at the world champion.

"Since Roux refuses to let me just do crossfit and wants to join in so I do the zumba to tire her out before I actually work out, it's kind of like a warm up too." Seth explains.

Each man nods understanding of his situation.

"Anyway, so you plan on locking down with her?" Randy turns his attention to Jey.

With a small smile forming on his face ne nods, "yeah."

"Well let's go!" AJ cheers making them join in with a laugh.

"I gotta pay y'all back though." Jey inquires.

"Aw, man don't worry about that, we don't need the money we're all rich!" AJ says, the rest of them agreeing.

"For real?" Jey looks in surprise.

"Yeah no worries man, go get your girl!" Montez says making them cheer.

"Finally! You been a bachelor, no wife, no kids for too damn long now uce!" Jimmy says making them laugh.

"Alright man chill. We just getting into it but I'm glad this off my back now, I appreciate y'all for real." He tells them.

With all smiles each man daps him up happy for him.

In the corner however one man sat with a frown on his face. He glares at Jey who was laughing with Jimmy and Randy.

That's not fair, of all people she chose him to let in. That's not fair, he thought to himself.

He watched as the group leaves the lockeroom talking loud and happy. He shouldn't get to have her.

He will not have her.

𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐄 -JEY USOWhere stories live. Discover now