Year Two: Astronomy Part 2

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4th November, Wednesday, 1993

After Defense Against the Dark Arts, Violet was convinced she was coming down with something. While she loathed Professor Lockhart, she'd never fallen asleep in class before. Whether he didn't notice or didn't care, she slept through the last hour of class, only waking when something soft hit the back of her head.

She jerked up, looking around wildly. Aimee and Hannah were on her right, neither of which noticed her frantic wake up. She looked to the floor to find the offending object, leaning over to pick up a wadded up parchment. 'Open me' was written on one edge.

She glanced around to see if she could figure out who threw it. She couldn't tell if she was surprised or not to find Draco staring at her expectantly. He dipped his head, glancing to the parchment. She rolled her eyes and turned back around, considering ignoring the boy. In the end, her curiosity won out, as was becoming habit with Draco.

She carefully unfolded the paper, flattening it on the table so she could read it.

She scoffed to herself, of course he has perfect handwriting.

𝐻𝑜𝓌'𝒹 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒹𝑜 𝑜𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒜𝓈𝓉𝓇𝑜𝓃𝑜𝓂𝓎 𝓆𝓊𝒾𝓏?

She had to reread the question several times before she could comprehend what he'd asked. Finally she turned to look at him again, but he was busy talking to one of his Slytherin mates. She waded up the parchment again, contemplating what to do with it. Part of her wanted to use incendio, to watch his expression as the parchment turned to ash, while the other part of her wanted to find out why he was asking. Surely he didn't care what grade she'd gotten? So, what, was it a prank? A trick?

The bells chimed to mark the end of class before she could make a decision. The bells startled her out of her thoughts, causing her to knock her bag off her chair and the contents spilling out.

She huffed a sigh before looking at her friends, who were already packed up and waiting, "Go on ahead, I'll catch up."

"You sure?" Aimee asked, her expression concerned.

"Yeah, see you at dinner."

The entire class had cleared out by the time she'd picked up her fallen books and parchment; all except one student.

"You didn't answer my question."

"Bloody hell!" She shouted at the blond boy, standing up so quickly she bumped her hip into the corner of the table, "What is wrong with you?!"

"Me?" He hissed, "I should be asking you that."

Violet glared at Draco, reaching out for the ball of parchment before shoving it into his chest. She spun on her heel and left the room, but she barely made it out the door before he'd caught up to her, walking by her side.

"Ellis, I need to know how you did on that quiz."

"Merlin's beard, Malfoy!" She groaned, reaching a hand up to rub at her forehead, her exhaustion spreading into a headache, "I got fourteen questions right, alright? Happy now?"

"What one did you get wrong?" His tone was bored, but something about the way he kept glancing to Violet made her wonder if he was worried about something. Maybe being seen with her?

"If I tell you, will you leave me alone?" When he didn't answer, she looked over at him, studying his blank expression, "What planet has the most moons."

"It's Saturn." He responded.

Violet stopped walking and turned to Draco, "I'll ask again, what do you want?"

Several expressions passed over his face quickly, the most prominent being reluctance and anger.

"I..." He swallowed several times, his eyes darting around, but it was only when his already pale skin paled further that Violet realized he was anxious. His next words were rushed, spoken nearly as one, "I need a tutor in Astronomy."

Violet blinked once, then again, and again, staring at the boy as if he'd grown a second head.

"Is this a prank?" She started looking around, "If so, it's not funny-"

"It's not a prank!" He huffed, regaining Violet's full attention, "I failed the quiz. Professor Sinister said if I don't pass the next one, I'll fail the class."

"It's Sinistra," She corrected, but he only rolled his eyes, "Why would you ask me? Can't any of your Slytherin mates help you? Or, better yet, have mommy and daddy pay for a tutor, because I won't do it."

"Is it about money?" He asked, brow furrowed, "I'll pay you if I must. But my parents cannot know."

"Oh, 'cause you'll be in trouble?" She mocked, "I still won't do it. Why ask me? You hate me!"

He didn't deny her words, but the vulnerability he was showing her was anything but hatred. He didn't like her by any means, and she didn't like him, but he knew he was running out of options.

"My mates don't know, and I'd prefer to keep it that way." He explained, though he was quickly becoming agitated, "I asked you because I thought you... Never mind!"

He started to stomp off, but Violet reacted on instinct, reaching out to grab his arm.

Draco froze, barely breathing, as she said, "Don't be daft. If it's that serious, I'll help."

He released a heavy breath, finally turning to look at her again, "Good. When can we start?"

"Friday at four? I have free period. We can meet in the library."

"Yes, perfect. See you then." He nodded stiffly, rushing off without another word.


Violet was ready to burst when she finally sat down to dinner. She wanted so badly to tell her friends what had happened, to tell someone that the Draco Malfoy asked for tutoring, from a Hufflepuff no less! But when she finally sat at the table, she couldn't tell them.

She wasn't sure why. She thought it over for some time before she came to the conclusion that, by telling others, she would likely be humiliating the boy. Everyone knew that Draco Malfoy didn't ask for help, and that he would never rely on someone else willingly. Besides, he'd said he didn't want his friends knowing, and if Violet told her friends, the entire school would know by Friday. News like that would travel fast.

So Violet decided not to tell her friends about her run-in with Draco, or that she'd now be spending time with him, alone, every Friday. And for Astronomy, a subject she hates!

Yes, her friends would certainly be upset when they inevitably found out Violet was keeping such a big secret from them, but for now, she was okay keeping them in the dark for just a little while.

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