viii. fake bf (!!!)

Start from the beginning

Kyan-the irony of his timing wasn't lost on me. In the middle of preparing to face my ex, I was reminded of the promises we had made last night. I had insisted that he wouldn't touch any other women while we were a thing, or could it be called a thing? It was a pact fully out of respect, yet now, as I got ready for a meet up with Leon, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt.

Deciding to answer, I placed the phone on speaker, allowing Kyan's voice to fill the room as I continued to apply makeup, desperate to maintain a trail of normalcy.

"Hey," he greeted, his voice a comforting presence amidst the turmoil raging within me.

"Busy?" he asked casually.

"Yeah, a bit," I muttered softly, my focus divided between the conversation and getting myself to look perfect. Despite trying to keep a lid on things, my tone gave away more than I intended. It was like my voice had a mind of its own, showcasting how I really felt.

Feeling his curiosity grow, I braced myself for the inevitable questions.

"When will you be home?" His voice carried a hint of suspicion, making it clear he sensed something was up.

Not like he had any real say in my plans, but maybe he thought he did.

I hesitated, torn between wanting to tell him it all and not wanting to unload my drama on him. I remembered our heart-to-hearts in the past-the tears, the hugs-but I couldn't bring myself to lay it all out there again, not when he had his own pile of shit to deal with.

"Soon," I replied vaguely, dodging his probing gaze, even though he couldn't see me. "Just finishing up a few things."

It was a bad attempt to brush off his concern, to keep him in the dark about the emotional rollercoaster I was riding. But deep down, I knew I was playing with fire by keeping him out of the loop.

As I mustered up my vague response, I could sense Ky's suspicion hovering, almost like he saw straight through my flimsy excuse. His next question loomed, heavy with unspoken worries.

"What things?" he asked, curiosity tinged in his tone.

Caught off guard by his persistence, I fumbled for an explanation that wouldn't set off alarm bells.

"Just... personal stuff," I mumbled, hoping it would be enough to satisfy his curiosity. But Ky wasn't one to let things slide, especially when he sensed something wasn't right.

"Personal stuff?" he echoed, disbelief seeping into his voice.

"Yeah," I replied softly.


"Kyan?" I hesitated, preparing myself for the inevitable interrogation.

"Is this about Leon?"

The mere mention of Leon's name sent a shiver down my spine. Leon.

How the fuck did he know?

Swallowing hard, I felt the carefully constructed walls around my emotions begin to crumble.

"Maybe," I admitted reluctantly, the weight of the confession hanging heavily between us.

Ky let out an exasperated sigh, his disappointment palpable even through the phone.

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