Spooked Animals

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Even the spring air felt welcoming as Lili walked down the back-roads to her family's ranch. There was sunshine and a sweet-smelling breeze, and the birds were chirping in the blossoming bushes. Her little case swinging in her hand, Lili was thinking about the possibility of getting a car. She would have to learn to drive, of course, but it would make carrying things around so much easier— now that she was beginning to acquire things. Or would that be too noticeable? Too easy to track? Oh well, there had to be ways and means.

At last, she turned off the road and there it was. Her family's house and the paddock beside it. She could see Lydia running around the paddock with a horse on a lead— whilst dressed in her helmet and gear, she wasn't riding it, just gently urging it to trot faster and faster. Lawrence was leaning on the fence, watching his youngest with warm smile.

Not wanting to disturb the tranquil scene too soon, Lili quietly approached.

It all happened at once. Somewhere nearby, a car backfired and the horse immediately panicked— ears flat to its skull, it reared up, whinnying and kicking out with its legs. Lydia tried to dive out of the way, but a hoof clipped her shoulder and she went sprawling into the dirt.

Lili found herself running, faster than she ever thought she could move, and jumped the fence, putting herself between Lydia and the horse. "Whoa! Whoa!" She reached out with her hands and her mind.

It always surprised Lili how easy it was to get into the heads of domestic animals. The horse practically welcomed her into its mind, like a soothing balm— allowing her presence into every aspect until it was calm and docile. Lili could have done anything in that moment— could have rendered it unconscious, could have cut the tethers of its self from its mind, could have told it to lay down and die.

A single bloody tear welled in her eye.

Instead of any of that, Lili reached out and pet its muzzle. "It's alright. You're alright." She took its harness in hand, holding it still.

From the corner of her eye, she could see her father run past her— slower than her on his prosthetic— to get to Lydia.

Behind Lili, Lydia coughed. "You're late."

Despite the chaotic circumstances, Lili couldn't help but twitch a smile. "If anything, I think I arrived just in time."

With Lawrence checking Lydia over, Lili ran her fingers soothingly down the horse's neck— he was as dark as pitch and velvety-soft. As she drew around his side, she found what she assumed to be the true source of his distress.

The upper part of its hind leg was a mass of scar tissue— like something had taken an enormous gouge out of its left side. Silver lines raked up its body.

Looking at the injury, Lili frowned. "What happened here?"

Lawrence made a frustrated sound. "We bought the horse from the Millar's up the road. Some unknown predator got into their stables— savaged two of the horses before they scared it off with a shotgun. He's the only one that survived. They were all set to send him to the glue factory, but Lydia's a goddamn bleeding heart."

"—Can't send him to the glue factory!" Lydia cut in. "He's a hero! A survivor! And we virtually got him for nothing."

"Yeah, well, virtually nothing is starting to seem like way too much."

"You can't blame him." Lili said, rubbing the horse's nose. "He got spooked, and animals lash out when spooked." Behind the horse's big, brown eyes, a girl with shaved hair emerged from solitary, stepping out over the body of the man who had set her free and into a world of blood and carnage.

"Well, aren't you the horse whisperer?" Lawrence snarked. "Lydia, are you okay?"

Carefully, Lydia tried to push herself up off the ground. "...My arm— ow! Something's not right with my arm!"

"Alright— hospital, here we come!" With a sound that could only be made by a parent that had done this too many times, Lawrence put his hands under Lydia's arms and eased her up. Esther had come running over the moment she had noticed what was going on, and Lawrence helped Lydia over to her. "You get her in the car, I'll put the horse away."

A/N: Gee, I wonder what that mystery predator could be? XD

So too the person who suggested I get Lili a dog... is a horse okay? XD Cause we all know that's not Lydia's horse anymore. Speaking of which, any ideas for good names?

Anyway, I just wanted to take a moment to say if you're looking for some good new fanfiction, you might try checking out my friend Celestial-J who is currently writing a really good Merlin fanfiction!

Don't forget to like and comment, luv ya all!

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