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Everleigh's POV

Throughout this whole scandal that has been published, I've never once had someone ask me for my side of the story. Sure, my closest friends and family knew everything that happened. However, the media and the people attacking me for 'cheating' never asked for the full story, they just got what they were told and ran with it. 

To have someone who has been in this position, someone I've looked up to musically for years, asking me for my side. It makes me want to share everything, share exactly what went down.

"It's a long story, one I'm sure you don't want to really hear. I'm sure you have better things to do with your day than to listen to what I have going on in my life" I respond, attempting to get out of the story telling. 

"I have all of the time in the world, and you have no one else to talk to right now. Tell me your side" he tells me.

I let out a sigh, before motioning over to the living room, walking in that direction. If there is one thing I know about the man in this house, he's stubborn, and will not back down according to Chase.

Not to mention there is just something about him that makes me want to say everything, call it comfort, call it the desire to vent. I'm not sure. 

 Sitting down in the corner of the L-shaped sofa, I wrap my blanket around me, watching as Brantley sits on the other end of the sofa. 

"Bradley and I had been married since the day we turned 19, right before he left for college. I went around Nashville attempting to start my career, while he went to learn the business side of the industry, the perfect team. After I got signed, he got a job for a different label, which I'm thankful for now" I start.

Brantley gives me a nod, telling me that he's actually listening to what I'm saying, something I'm definitely not used to. 

"A little over a year ago, I was in the studio late one night working on the album that was supposed to be released later that year. Came home to find him in bed with my publicist, guess they were closer than I expected. I was livid of course, and immediately demanded a divorce. The only thing Bradley had to say was that he could ruin my name if I went through with it, before storming out of the house" I explain. 

"So, he threatened you?" Brantley asks.

"Basically, but I didn't take it like that at the time, so I filed. I hadn't heard anything until a few weeks later when the first article was published, saying that I had cheated on him. The two of them let the media run with it, and it got so bad that I left town at my managers request. They've been trying to calm everything down, and they have been successful for the most part, but even when they do I don't know if I want to go back. Everything about that town is toxic, and I know as soon as I show face everything is going to start back up again. So here I sit, waiting to see what's happening next" I tell him.

Brantley gives me a nod, understanding where I'm coming from.

Being in the spotlight is rough for anyone. It get's worse when all of the attention is on a narrative that has been created about you rather than what good you've actually one.

"I'm sorry you're having to deal with all of that, no one should have to go through the scrutiny of the media" Brantley responds. 

"It's just something that comes with the spotlight unfortunately. I'm just lucky I had such a great group of people surrounding me to help me through it" I tell him.

 Brantley's POV

"Well now you have me to add to that list" I blurt out.

I immediately regret the words as I watch Everleigh freeze in her spot.

"I'm closer to you than anyone in Nashville, and I don't have anything going on for the next few months. So, if you need someone I'm around" I add.

"You don't have to do that Brantley. Don't feel sorry for me for what they've done, I'm at peace with the situation" she responds.

I let out a chuckle, standing up from my spot on the couch.

Walking over to a notepad she has sitting on the counter, I quickly write my number down, before walking back over to the couch.

"My number is written over there if you need anything, or just need someone to talk to. I'll get out of your hair, besides I need to get to my mamas. Use the number Everleigh, you're not alone here anymore" I tell her, before heading towards the door.

Hoping into my truck, I take a few deep breaths, willing myself to calm down.

The fact that she got screwed over by someone she was in love with hits home. The fact that he used his name and his connections to ruin her image, however, makes me fume.

It's a known thing in any entertainment industry that the men hold the power, I just didn't believe it until I heard the full story. 

"What did she do this time?" I hear coming from the speakers of the truck.

"How the fuck is that man still breathing Chase?" I question.

Chase lets out a laugh.

"Oh trust me, I wanted to beat the shit out of him the minute she told me. However, he is the kind to press charges just out of spite, and she didn't want me to go to jail. How in the hell did you get her to talk about it?" Chase responds. 

"I didn't really give her much of an option but to talk about it" I tell him.

"You got a forming crush on my best friend Gilbert?" Chase asks.

I let out a laugh, coming to stop at the red light near the cabin.

"I wouldn't go that far, she's going through a lot, you know how I am about commitment. Plus, there's a pretty big age gap there. I just feel for her, no one should have to deal with that, especially not her" I explain. 

"So, I'm guessing now isn't the best time to mention that he works for Big Machine huh?" Chase questions.

I slam on my brakes letting the words he spoke run over in my head.

"What the fuck did you just say" I respond. 

"Yeah dude. He works in the offices up there. Odds are you've never had a run in with him, but he's there somewhere. He even got his little girlfriend a job up there once the divorce was finalized" Chase explains.

"Fucking hell" I state.

Against The World // Brantley GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now