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orbital phase initiated  . . ⋆
✸ accessing the main frame . .
─ seven life-forms detected ✴

Had you asked me if I believed in aliens prior to that day, I wouldn't have been able to give a definitive answer: whether they existed or not, the one thing I could be sure of was that they were never going to live in or even just reach our planet, especially not in my life time. I just didn't want to bother questioning the existence of something I thought would never affect me or anyone else around me.

Yet I was proven wrong, for 775 days have passed already and what seemed impossible has now become part of my daily life. Even if he looks like me, even if his skin feels like mine, there is no doubt about it.

Aliens exist and they live among us.

Earth Defense Club ❪ Korean: 어스 디펜스 크러브 ❫ is a 7-member boy group formed by Future Expansion Enterprise

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Earth Defense Club Korean: 어스 디펜스 크러브 ❫ is a 7-member boy group formed by Future Expansion Enterprise. The group consists of ESKIAS, Jueun, Yungyu, Sion, YOTA, Yunseong and BLOOM. Debuting as a 6-member group on October 28, 2022 with the studio album 'MY WORLD', EARTHCLUB is mostly known for their detailed storyline following the adventures of 4 humans and their 3 extraterrestrial friends in search of a safe space after an emergency landing on Earth. It is better described through the homonymous multimedia project, which currently includes a webtoon and webdrama.

𝓦𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙼𝚈 𝐖𝗈͟𝗋͟𝗅͟𝖽͟, oc boy group.Where stories live. Discover now