, their screams wouldn't be stirred

Harry Potter: 'This is horrifying. How could anyone be so cruel and heartless?'

Hermione Granger: 'It's a prime example of power corrupting people. The fact that she could take money from those who are about to die is just sickening.'

Ron Weasley: 'I can't even imagine living under her rule. It's like living in constant fear.'

Ginny Weasley: 'I wonder if there were any resistance against her. It seems like she had complete control over everyone.'

Draco Malfoy: 'I wouldn't be surprised if my family had dealings with her. We always seem to be associated with dark and powerful figures.'

Neville Longbottom: 'It's important to stand up against injustice and tyranny. We can't let people like her continue to harm others.'

Luna Lovegood: 'I bet she had some sort of magical artifact that gave her control over people. That's the only explanation for her reign of terror.'

Severus Snape: 'This is a reminder of the dangers of blindly following authority. We must always question and resist when necessary.'

Albus Dumbledore: 'We must learn from history and never let someone like her rise to power again. Let us honor the victims of her tyranny and fight for a better future.'

Now! Bow down to your Queen!

Hidden in the dark, an evil flower blooms
Lovely petals, faintly dripping with doom
Dancing in a garden full of slowly dying weeds
Echoes of their cries become the power that she needs

Harry Potter: 'Who is this Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche? I've never heard of her before.'

Hermione Granger: 'According to my research, she's a character from a popular vocaloid song series called The Evillious Chronicles. She's known for being a tyrannical ruler and causing chaos in her kingdom.'

Ron Weasley: 'Sounds like a real piece of work. I don't think I would want to meet her.'

Ginny Weasley: 'But she's also supposed to be really beautiful and charming. I bet she could manipulate anyone with her words.'

Draco Malfoy: 'I would love to see her in action. Perhaps we could learn a thing or two from her about ruling with an iron fist.'

Luna Lovegood: 'I wonder if she has any magical abilities. Maybe she can control those dying weeds with her powers.'

Neville Longbottom: 'I don't want to meet her. She sounds like a dark and dangerous witch.'

Sirius Black: 'I've encountered many tyrants in my time, and they all meet the same end. I hope Riliane will learn from her mistakes before it's too late.'

Severus Snape: 'I have no patience for power-hungry rulers. They often end up causing more harm than good.'

Minerva McGonagall: 'It's a shame that someone with such potential for greatness would choose the path of destruction. She could have been a great leader if she used her powers for good.'

Albus Dumbledore: 'Let us hope that she will eventually see the error of her ways and find redemption. Every villain has the potential for redemption if they only choose to seek it.'

Her heart was longing for what she had hoped to be
A dashing prince of blue from far across the sea
But, someone already had hold of his heart
A pretty girl of green threatened to tear her dream apart
Overcome with jealously, she soon became obsessed

And in her madness, she caused many to be oppressed

Harry Potter: That sounds like something out of a fairy tale gone wrong.

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