Chapter Four

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Jace had been walking around Alicante for hours, trying to figure out if she would come. She was a Shadowhunter after all and all Shadowhunters had been called to Idris. He went everywhere, wondering where she could be and if she had brought their child. Eventually, Jace tired of just walking without a purpose. He set out to find Isabelle. Out of all the people Clary used to live with, Izzy was the one, besides Simon, that Clary would seek out. If she wanted anything to with them at all.
Pausing every so often to greet people, Jace made his way to the square where everyone was meeting. He stood on his toes, trying to spot a member of his family. Finally, Jace saw a familiar shock of brown hair and made his way towards Simon. They had gotten closer after Clary left to where ever she had left to. They had even searched for her together. Jace had never stopped looking for her, but after three years Simon gave up hope. Everyday he asked himself where she could have gone and always came up blank. He had searched all the places she would have most likely gone or had mentioned wanting to go to. Every place he went to came out a bust.
Jace made his way through the crowd, keeping an eye on Simon's figure. He was talking to a smaller figure, and as he got closer, he could tell it was a woman. They were talking, what about he couldn't tell and as he got closer he could see that she was watching a small, blonde child that was nearby, presumably her daughter. The girl had curly hair that hung limply in the heat. He couldn't see her eyes, but he assumed they were blue or brown. Jace brought his attention back to the woman. She was much shorter than Simon, but he didn't have a clear view of her face or hair to tell who she was.
As he got closer, he decided to call out to him.
"Simon? Where'd you disappear to?" His voice sounded bad to his own ears and he mentally cringed. So many months of misuse had made it jagged and desperate. Jace started as the woman's face peeked over Simon's shoulder. Clary?

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