Start from the beginning

"The hat is made of old magic. Therefore, it has the ability to sense both the past and future. Not only does it identify your inner most passions, but it places you in the house that would best support your future aspirations. Take you for instance, have you noticed that all former Ministers are either Gryffindor or Ravenclaw?" She stated clearly.
"In this world. Hermione Granger does not need to learn to be courageous. Her aspirations are different" she repeats with a smile watching the scene play out before her eyes.

"Hermione Jean Granger" Dumbledors voice rang out. The frizzy brown hair girl stood shakily and twiddled her fingers as she approached the stool. She felt fearful, what if she didn't belong anywhere. She hadn't belonged in her previous schools. Sitting down

she closed her eyes as the hat sat on her head. It felt like an eternity before the hat stopped blabbering.
"RAVENCLAW" it called out. She felt relief as she approached the blue table. After her research, this was the house she wanted to be in. She had heard that the common room was perched in a tower and the hallways were lined with books. Sitting down she felt like she belonged. The students at the table greeted her with big smiles and warm introductions.
Medera swished her wand in the air again. Finding them in the library.

Hermione looked older as she was surrounded by books, her legs crossed as she leaned on the wall of the library. It was her secret isle where she could be alone and fill her mind with all sorts of interesting things. Even though her common room was filled with books and cosy reading corners, she found that she preferred the silence of the library instead.
A sniffled broke her concentration as she stood up quickly to investigate as she sounds continued. Turning into the next isle she called out softly "hello?" She could have sworn him a ghost with his pale skin and blond hair. But he was Draco Malfoy the Slytherin seeker. He had won the last handful of quidditch games and always gave her house team a hard time on the pitch, or so she was told. "Are you alright?" She asked crouching in front of him. He did not look like the proud boy that people often spoke about.

"I'm fine" he hissed back causing her to flinch. To his surprise the brunette crossed his legs and sat patiently in front of him. "What are you doing?" Malfoy hardly recognised his own voice. It cracked, and he hated that someone was seeing him being weak. Malfoys were not weak.

"Waiting for you to tell me the matter" she added meeting his gaze. Draco noticed the unfamiliar look of caring in her eyes. "Surely it can't be so very bad?" She asked again waiting for him to go on. In fact, she opened her satchel and passed him her handkerchief that her father had given her before they had left, it had a buttercup flower embordered on the edge.

"My father wants to send me to Durmstrang. I failed my potions exam. Malfoys never fail" he stated wiping his eyes with his sleeve. He hated that school, and no one spoke English. He would be alone without his friends.

"I could help you. We have another exam coming up. I am certain that if you excel, they wouldn't have any reason to move you?" She asked tilting her head to the side watching him. He seemed like a spoilt kid, but studying alone was not so fun for Hermione so she didn't mind.

"Why?" He asked.

"Why not?" She laughed softly before standing up. "Meet me back here tomorrow at lunch" she added before disappearing again.

Medera was so caught up in the cuteness of the moment that she forgot the Minster of Magic was standing next to her, until he cleared his throat. "Right sorry. Let's continue with the tour" lifting her wand she twirled it around again.

Hermione sat at her favourite table in the library, she enjoyed coming in here when she knew others would be busy at the great hall or classes. It felt as if she hasn't all these beautiful books to herself. She had offered to help Malfoy with his studies, but she half doubted that the boy with the notorious reputation would turn up. In fact, when he slammed his books on the table, she almost fell of her seat. Instead of swanning around the boy, Hermione was so transfixed in her teaching and explanations that Malfoy was the one who was shocked. It was strange for someone to not try to get something from him, and surprisingly he found himself enjoying it.

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