Chapter 2

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I fall back on the bed, my head feeling numb from this massive headache I have. I see Loki packing his bag, still wrapped in a towel, his body and hair still slightly damp from his shower. I couldn't help of think of the last time he met my family.


"Lou, did you hear something?" My mom mutes the television; dad was at work the night Loki visited. "Yeah, sounds like it's coming from outside."

I open the back door, my dog Roscoe was barking at a shadowy figure behind the fence. There was steam coming from places where steam shouldn't be coming from. I did live on the side of a mountain after all. 

"Hello?" I say loudly, clapping my hands hoping to get Roscoe's attention. He runs inside with his tail caught between his hind legs. I turn around and look inside, "Mom, call the police. Now."

When I turn back around, this man was standing in front of me. Eyes red and swollen, face pale as a sheet of white paper, the lightest blue eyes I've ever seen and he was sweating profusely. "Mom! Call for an ambulance!" I yell, not taking my eyes of this mysterious man.

He gazes up, looking at me. I can see he has some ort of weapon in his right hand. "Can I help you? I've called an ambulance, someon---" 

"I'm fine!" He cuts me off, his voice was dark and loud and his eyes turned color all of a sudden. A lighter shade of green. 

"Where am I!” He demands. I stepped back two steps, my heart beating 200 miles per hour.

"Colorado." I answer, my voice trembling. 

He pushes me to the side and gallivants into the house tracking dirt in with him. "Can you take off your shoes, please?" My mother begs. You know mothers; never wear dirty shoes in the house!

He stops dead in his tracks. "I don't obey midgardians. You obey me!" 


"I love you, Loki, I really do. But I'm not sure it's the greatest idea for you to come with me." 

I see his hands begin shaking; his left hand tightens into a fist. "I'm coming with you, Louise. My darling..." he turns around, pulling off his towel and throwing it to the floor. 

His naked body staring me right in the face. 

"Let me pleasure you, Louise. You will beg for my love, my touch and my tongue. Only I can love you. There are no men like me."

I stand up, my arms crossed in front of me. "I said I wasn't in the mood. Can't you just leave me alone so we can finish packing?" 

I began to cry, the cold tears rolling down my flushed cheeks. I couldn't hold it in anymore, this pain and anger I have towards the only man I've ever loved. Yet I hate him so much for ruining everything I though was good.

Loki grabs my hands and presses them against his chest. He pulls me closer to him; I could feel his erection against my thigh. 

"I will not leave you alone. You are mine and you will obey me!" Loki takes the back of his hand, swiping it across my left cheek, my body falling to the ground. I try to get up but he forces me back down, his hand grasping my face, pushing my lips together. The tears are coming harder and his grip is tightening. 

"Louise, you know what happens when you disobey me. You'll pay for it later as I over-take your body with mine." He pushes his hand down; making my body hit the ground once more. 

Loki grabs his robe from the chair next to our bed and walks towards the door.

"I love you, Louise. Don't forget that." He slams the door behind him.

I love him. Lou, you love Loki and he loves you. It's all right. I pick myself off the floor, my legs red from the carpet marks and my jaw aching from his grip. Defeated once more. As I begin to walk, I feel pain coming from my ankle. You just twisted it. No big deal.

I walk out into the great hall searching for my so-called god of a boyfriend. "Loki!" I yell, my voice cracking. 

"Of all that is mighty, Louise, are you alright?" Frigga latches onto my arm, trying to hold me up. "Is your ankle sore?" I nod, "Only your son calls me Louise." Frigga smiles, "My apologies Lou. Come, let's get you bandaged up."

We limp our way to the infirmary, passing Thor on the way. "Mother. Lou. Are you two injured?"

"Lou is, her ankle is sore and her jaw makes his popping sound." He looks at me worried and angry. 

"Did my brother do this to you?" I look into Thor's eyes, his hair was pulled back and his beard was gone. 

"I fell off the bed. It's nothing."

"Lou. Answer me once more. Truthfully. Did Loki do this to you?" His voice was raised and his deep grunt made Frigga and I jump. 

"Son, your brother would not dare harm his beloved partner. Not in the house of Odin." Her voice was like silk bed sheets rubbing against your legs. So soft and regale.

Thor grunts heavily and storms off.

*** Thor's POV ***

"LOKI. Where are you!"

I open the gates to the great balcony. "Brother, we need to talk!" I grab his arm, pulling him away from the seat he so proudly sits on. 

"Such an ignorant fool. I AM NOT YOUR BROTHER. Hasn't the all father explained to you, my true parentage!" 

"You are the ignorant fool! How dare you touch Lou!" 

Loki pushes me away, his face turning a pale blue and his eyes a serpent green. I never wanted to believe my father's truth about Loki's true parentage; after all we played together and fought together.  He will, as I am concerned, always be my brother Loki.

But this was the first time I've ever seen his true colors. 

"Stay out of this Thor. You've done enough already." He looks at me with darting eyes, looking as if he's ready to attack. "Louise and I are visiting her family on your beloved Midgard. Such puny creatures dwell that planet...I must finish sorting my luggage."

*** Louise's POV ***

"Thank you Frigga, my ankle feels much better. I should go find Loki, we have traveling to do tomorrow." She kisses my cheek softly, her hands as cold as ice. 

"Be careful, Lou. Loki is of short temper. I do not want him to harm anyone close to you, he's been through to much in his life."

Is she really taking Loki's side? "Yes, of course, but Loki is a grown man. A god. Surely he knows how to act around my family, considering their last meeting. I'm sure we'll be fine." I grab the crutches from the corner of the infirmary and wobble back to my room.

It's empty. No bags, no Loki. Nothing.

I force myself to walk over to the large window, hoping that if I look out, I'll see Loki. Nothing.

"Of all mortals, you are the only one that can make a god fall to his knees." Hands trail up the curves of my body. They're both hot and cold at the same time, giving me goose bumps at the sheer touch of them. 

He kept his word. It's my time to pay for my disobedience. 

Unrequited Lust (Loki Fanfiction) (ON HIATUS UNTIL NEW THOR MOVIE COMES OUT)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin